From Out Of The Film

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Ianto Jones huffed in exhausted frustration into the darkness of his slightly stuffy room, arms dropping down onto the airy duvet to emphasise it. Turning his head sharply against the pillows, the clock sat politely on the bedside cabinet glared the numbers 03:27 at him. Ianto glared back angrily at the harsh red colour, some part of him thankfully it wasn't the bloody annoying alarm clock from Serenity Plaza. No irritating, high pitched and too happy voice telling him to "Rise and Shine" for his new day and reminding him of what busy he had in the bloody Plaza. That had, thankfully, blown up with the rest of the place. This device was just a typical alarm clock, black and sleek, which buzzed its siren-like alarm every morning. Somehow, it hadn't fallen victim to Ianto's slamming fists and broken yet (To Jack's delight as they always came out of his paycheck) and withstood the dreadful drop to the floor every time. It wouldn't go off until half seven and Ianto watched the seconds tick over painfully slow. Four more hours to go and Ianto hadn't had a wink of sleep and his body didn't seem to want to let him rest even for a few hours.

"If you turn one more time, I'll lie on top of you." Threatened a half-asleep Jack, his eyes still shut and mouth pulled into a frown. Ianto had rolled his head over to look at him and now reached out to lightly stroke his cheek with the back of his hand.

" 'mm sorry."

"No, you're not." One eye cracked open and the sheets ruffled as Jack slid closer to Ianto, pressing up against his side. It made Ianto smile at least, shifting left into his lover's arms. A light, sleepy kiss was pressed to the crook of his neck and Jack's head settled on his shoulder, strands of hair making Ianto squirm just a bit. "Still, Ianto."

"Mhmm." He answered, shutting his eyes and waiting for the pull of sleep that never came. He snapped his eyes back open, waiting for them to adjust to the low light levels and stare up at the blank ceiling. Jack was back asleep faster than switching a lamp off which made Ianto pout. The man who hardly needed any sleep could just nod off whenever he cared to, Ianto wanted that ability. He didn't know why he couldn't sleep. Ianto didn't need to pee, he wasn't hungry or thirsty, there was no pent up energy Jack could fuck out of him and he wasn't plagued by nightmares. Ianto brought a hand up to rub at his eyes, feeling his annoyance build-up from just being mild.

A yawn ripped itself from Ianto's mouth and made his eyes water. They just seemed to mock him now, taunting him as sleep evaded him. He then glared up at the ceiling now. He was tired, really tired. The day had gone on long enough after tragically losing all but one victim of the Ghostmaker. The little boy, without his sister or parents, alone in the world until they had tracked down a willing Uncle to take him in. Maybe that was what was troubling him, Ianto wondered, hand carding through Jack's hair. It had upset him, knowing they'd fall them all but he'd found some comfort after Jack's manifold attempts of reassurance that they'd managed to save countless more people. Now, the older man slept soundlessly and didn't stir as Ianto kissed his forehead.

A sudden twinge hit his shoulder and Ianto gasped quietly, curling his toes and tensing. It was the same shoulder the Ghostmaker had touched and temporarily frozen. He took it as some sort of after effect. Ianto dug his nails into the joint, hoping to relieve some of the pain but it stayed and he bit back a whine, squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't wasn't to wake Jack a second time.

Jack shuffled against him and Ianto changed his mind, debated waking him up again. The man had ways of wearing Ianto out that got him excited just thinking about it except Jack was actually sleeping which meant he must have been worn down himself this time. He didn't want to disturb that and a sleeping Jack was so rarely at peace. Ianto kisses his head before gently moving it off his shoulder and sitting up. He rose from the bed, tucking his lover back under the covers and quietly creeping out of the room. Bare feet tapped mutedly against chilly wooden flooring, the chill of the house hitting his thighs where his shorts didn't cover and goosebumps rose on his arms.

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