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night sky

my inspiration for this book is friends from mots and sweet night by v ( it goes really well with this chapter)

hi so i just started writing this and i'm definitely writing this as i go so enjoy.

I'm planning on making this relatively short and sweet so :)


there was something about the way jimin's eyes sparkled. it reminded him of the night sky and jimin was his sparkling star that gave light to all his darkness. the way he danced so carelessly and moved so swiftly and soft. the way he only smiled with his eyes. as taehyung eyes' met jimin's on the dance floor, the soft smile and the glimmer in his eyes made his heart quiver.

"tae, you good?" namjoon says, while shoving him out of his daydream.

"no, i-i- its good, i'm good" he coughed up after being startled awake.

"i'm heading out. tell mimi to find a ride when he comes back", he slurred.

taehyung nodded and continued to watch jimin dance as he sat into the corner of the blaring party.

jimin, namjoon and taehyung have been friends for what felt like a eternity. starting by the meaningless introduction they made almost 4 years ago during their college orientation after being the only ones who had no other friends and being forced to group together. fast forward, they were attending their last college party. their parting gifts to each other.

taehyung loved namjoon and jimin. the many sleepless nights, the many  intoxications and the random phone calls all throughout the day between them three has made his college experience.

they grew together and cried together and laughed together and taehyung couldn't help but to feel the pain of them leaving his side as they would grow into their careers.

taehyung was a industrial design major and wanted to move the states from his humble home of korea in order to broaden his horizons within his career. he knew that both jimin, a dance major and namjoon, a philosophy major wanted were wanted to stay in seoul and find job opportunities close to home.

"it's so hot out there, tae. i couldn't even breathe dancing out there" jimin exhales as he walks back, dripping in sweat.

taehyung loved jimin. it felt different than the way he loved namjoon. he saw no flaws in jimin. he was beautiful in every facet of his life. the way he smiled and his booming laugh, he only felt drawn to him. of course all these years, he knew that it would change their entire dynamic.

"you good, tae?" jimin said squinting his eyes, concerningly.

"no, i'm all right. i was just thinking about stuff" taehyung said tiredly.

"we can head out if you're tired. i'll get joonie and we can head out" jimin stated.

"he said he had to go and to find a ride back but i don't mind walking you back to your room. I'm not that tired" taehyung muttered.

"really tae?" he placed a soft peck on taehyung's cheek and pouted, "thank you".

taehyung couldn't help but to blush. jimin was always so affectionate in their group. he knew he would miss the feeling of comfort jimin gave him.

as taehyung and jimin said the last goodbyes, they began to walk towards jimin and namjoon's apartment. taehyung lived nearby their apartment area with his relatives in order to save up money for his transition to america.

" you don't know how much i'll miss you tae tae" jimin pouted as they walked through the dark in the dimly light alleyway.

taehyung turned to look at jimin. as he looked into the blatant emptiness of the road with the sadness upon his face, tears began to form into taehyung's eyes.

" i'm gonna miss you too mimi" taehyung sniffled.

there was silence. it was filled with grief but it felt comfortable. the love he felt for jimin felt so warm as that the slow walk to their last night out coming to a end. the warm air of the last summer nights blew against their skin.

"hey jimin" taehyung whispered.


"don't forget about me. i'll love you forever" taehyung said, as their eyes flicker towards each other.

"i never will" jimin frowned, looking at the ground.

the walk back felt so bittersweet. the feeling of reminiscence and nostalgia flashed before their eyes. taehyung was planning on leaving the last day of finals, which gave him two days to say his last goodbyes.

how does one say goodbye to the love of their life? the one who makes them feel complete?

"stop before you make me cry tae tae," jimin smiled at taehyung, "me and joonie will text you everyday. it'll be like we are right beside you"

taehyung grinned.

"besides you can visit us whenever you want and we'll work extra hard to buy plane tickets to see you" jimin reassured.

as the dim streetlights began to be replaced with low lights from the surrounding apartment lights, he knew that their time together was coming to a end.

he knew he had to say goodbye but it still hurt more than ever.

the four years of love. the four years together felt so powerful until now.

as they walked to the front of his building, jimin suddenly grabbed taehyung into a tight embrace.

"stay healthy for me. don't get sick and make sure you don't skip meals. be happy. meet some beautiful girl and fall in love. okay?", jimin sobbed into taehyung's chest.

taehyung tightly hugged him back. "i will for you. don't worry about me. i'll call you everyday."

jimin wiped his tears and looked at taehyung. "you better. or i'll go there myself and beat you up." he chuckled through his light tears.

taehyung's heart swelled. the glimmer in jimin's eyes never ceased. it felt as if he were looking at  the world through his eyes and nothing else mattered.

" i promise i will. now go inside and tell joonie i miss him too" he says while they begin to part.

jimin placed a soft kiss on taehyung's cheek and began to sadly waved at taehyung as he entered his apartment building.

taehyung smiled and waved back as jimin began to enter the building and his bright face and eyes drifted into the busy halls.

his life felt dim. the light was blown out and darkness felt as if it was the only existence.

as taehyung began to walk home, the streetlights felt more dim. the moon felt black. the stars twinkled less. lastly, the light of his world was gone.


bruh this made me so emotional.

I'm sorry if the grammar is literally terrible. i will try to fix it up as much as possible

i hope you all enjoy this new journey!

- lou

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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