From Summer to Autumn

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Hello everyone! So yeah, I wasn't planning on releasing this story this soon, but my artist delivered really quickly, so I figured why not? Now before we get started, I would like to say that even though this is a Next Generation, Natu's generation will still be very prominent here. Not sure if people will like that part about it or not, but just wanted to let everyone know. There will also be a lot of family moments. Not every character had a kid by the way, there are only seven of them (I didn't do that on purpose, I promise lol). I don't diverge from the relationships that were established in canon, so if you're a fan of say Gruvia, Jerza, or Elfever, you're in luck. :P

This arc takes place several years after the end of the series obviously. That being said, I don't plan on using any content from 100 Year Quest, so yeah. Also, if you're one of my NaWen readers and aren't really a fan of these types of stories, not to worry. I still have NaWen exclusive works that I plan to release soon as well. Anyway, that's all. Hope you all enjoy!

Flames sizzled around Natsu's arms and fists. The cheering of the crowd got his blood pumping. Yeah, he was really getting into it now. Being in this now all too familiar stadium was like paradise to him. He looked over at the tall dark haired man and short white-haired woman before him. Some embers seeped out of his mouth as he stared them down. "I'm all fired up now."

"Careful Yukino," Rogue said, bending his knees. "He's getting serious."

Yukino nodded, "Right, I'll do my best."

"You ready, Wendy?" Natsu asked, looking down at his small blue-haired wife.

Wendy held her arms up high, raring to go ."You bet I am!"

"Right, then let's do it!"

And at that, the two dragon slayers rushed forward. Natsu swung his fist at Rogue. He managed to just barely swerve his head out of the way of Natsu's fiery onslaught. But then, a sharp kick to the face sent him sliding across the arena.

"Oh no, Rogue!" Yukino cried out.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!"

Billows of wind in the shape of wings slammed into Yukino as she was blown through the air.

Shadow Dragon Slash!" Rogue called out from behind Wendy, his hand framed with dark matter.

"Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!" Air surrounded Wendy's hand as she countered Rogue's attack.

Wind and dark energy spewed throughout the arena as the dragon slayers tried to overpower the other.

"Gate of the two fish; Pisces!" Yukino turned a golden key as if unlocking something and two giant fish suddenly appeared floating through the air.

Up in the crowd, Happy had started drooling, staring at the fish. "Yummy..."

"Really, fur ball?" Gajeel scoffed while crossing his arms. "You haven't changed at all. "Even though you're a father now." He looked around the stands, then raised his eyebrows. "Huh? Where is the little guy anyway?"

"He's with Aki," Carla informed Gajeel as Happy was still busy drooling over Pisces.

"Ah, guess that makes sense."

A small girl with long salmon pink hair that reached down t her waist was leaning on the edge of the railings, watching the fight, her big brown eyes sparkling with excitement. "You can do it Mommy and Daddy! I know you can!"

"Aye aye!" A little white cat with blue spots hopped around on the girl's shoulder.

"You hear that, Wendy?" Natsu grinned as he wiped some specks of dirt of his upper lip. "Our girl is cheering for us. Now we have no choice but to win."

Fairy Tail Next Generation: Aki, the Sky Flame DragonWhere stories live. Discover now