Chapter 1: Parties and Heartbreak

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Ochako's POV

I sat at the table of the large house Deku had dragged me to. This was normal to me. Being forced to trail behind my green haired boyfriend. Parties were his thing. Well, they didn't used to be.

I smiled remembering the Deku I had fallen in love with. A shy green haired boy who was determined to become a hero and he did become a great hero. He had saved hundreds of lives. But he let it all go to his head.

Now he kept me, his girlfriend, on a leash. Only taking me out to show me off and boost his reputation. All he thought about was his reputation. Still I stayed dedicated, praying the old Deku would resurface.

'What a fool you are'

I shot up straight in my seat, that voice was so familiar. I instantly recognized it. I could never forget that voice I thought as I turned around a-

There was no one behind me...

Had I just imagined his voice? I shook my head, that was what it was. I turned around my cheeks now flushed red though I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or...or what?

I glanced down at purse in my hands, it had been a long time since I had thought of this. Since I had thought of him. I still carried the memories in my heart but I had made my choice and there was no going back. I chose to spend my days with Deku and before I knew it my best friend was gone from grasp.

'But you'd do anything to take it back'

That was a voice all to familiar to my mind. My own highschool voice. The me who gave up on all my dreams just so Deku would be happy. I barely ever did hero work, only when Deku allowed me to. Yes he had even become that demanding.

He hated my outfit because he deemed it to tight. So I changed it. Then he noticed I worked all fo my shifts with him. With....

I can't say his name even in my mind it's to hard to say. The tears in my eyes slowly rolled down my face. What was this, why was I crying, he hates to see me cry because it embarrasses him.

I gasped as I wiped the tears from my eyes. What am I even doing. I quickly went through my purse for my mirror but I didn't find it. Instead I found my U.A. ID. One of the only memories I had kept from Deku.

I had pushed it away for so long that I had forgot I even still had this. I smiled as I pulled the small card from purse. A jingling caught my attention as a small spiky haired charm followed it. I couldn't keep his name from my lips this time.

"Katsuki..." I mumbled as I played with the hair of the charm in my hand.

"What did you just say!" Came the loud voice from behind me.

I jumped up and quickly hid the card behind me as I looked to see my boyfriend staring at me. His green eyes were filed with rage.

"Ochako!" He shouted holding out his hand towards me "Give it to me! I can't have you embarrassing me with that bastards dirty name!"

I couldn't stop the words that flew from my mouth next.

"Katsuki is not a bastard!" I shouted as Deku's friends all laughed around him.

This only angered him further as he stalked towards me and grabbed me by the shirt. He slapped me dead across the face. I shook in his grasp as many people gasped around us.

Deku leaned closer to my ear and whispered "Sweetie give it to me so we can end this and go home."

I stood there in shock for a second before something took over me. I shoved Deku away and activated my quirk, cashing him to float into the air. After not using my powers in so long just doing that almost made me vomit.

It felt....good. I looked down at the charm held safely in between my fingers and smiled. I should never have stated this long, I don't know why I let him convince me I was nothing without him.

"I think I've finally had enough" I said to him as I watched him struggle. His face turned red with anger.

"You are nothing without me Ochako!" He shouted down at me from the celling.

"This is it for us Deku, now don't ever speak to me again." I said as I grabbed my purse and ran out of the building.

Once I was in the hallway I looked down at the charm in my hand. So many memories rushed back to me at once. I finally released my quirk and kept running. But now I had a smile on my safe.

Dear Katsuki....How are you doing tens tears later?


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