Chapter 2: Katsuki

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Ochako's POV

Clenching the phone tightly between my fingers was the only thing keeping me sane. I had rushed straight home to my small apartment after the breakup with Deku.

I usually stayed at Deku's place though I didn't really like it. So stepping into my home was almost like stepping into a different world.

I had a decently big apartment with a nice kitchen and a soft couch. There was a bedroom with a small bathroom and walk in closet and a medium sized office. I had been proud of myself when I finally got this place furnished. I giggled at the memory of Katsuki complaining as he helped me drag the couch up the stairs.

I sighed and looked down at the photo of Katsuki's icon. It was one of the only photos I had ever caught of him smiling. His hair was covered by his cap from their highschool graduation and he had one arm wrapped around me as I held up the camera with a big goofy grin.

"Katsuki....I miss you so much...." I finally let myself admit as tears fell onto the phone.

I didn't know what had gotten into me all those years ago. I had been so distraught when Deku had made me stop talking to Katsuki. He had been my best friend since middle school. I had figured maybe it was because they arguments they had had since childhood and shrugged it off but it was now ten years later and I regretted that decision every single day.

Looking at myself in the phone's reflection I knew the only reason I had stayed was because I felt it was all my fault, and it was. I had stayed with Deku and let him belittle me just because I had felt so bad for outcasting Katsuki.

My best friend who meant the whole world to me and had never done a single thing wrong was suddenly gone like I had never even known him before.

Would he even forgive me if I called? I honestly didn't know. He had never done anything to suggest he would but I had done something so horrible to him that I didn't know if it was forgivable.

I sighed and looked down. The charm Katsuki had made of himself had somehow fell out of my purse and into my lap. I chuckled and picked it up.

Looking into its eyes was like looking at my true love.

My eyes widened in shock. Did I really just think that? It had been so long since those feelings had resurfaced. I knew I had left Deku because I missed him but did I still love him.

Yes, yes I did. Everyday I had loved him more. Everytime Deku hit me I loved Katsuki more. But I wasn't deserving of his love. That's probably why I had started dating Deku in the first place, because nothing was good enough in my eyes for Katsuki.

I had let that crazy notion ruin our friendship. I missed our late night talks and sleepovers more then anything. I'd do anything to have it back.

With that I picked up my phone and put it to my ear. Dialing Katsuki's number was like knowing the back of my hand. I knew his number better then my own name.

As three rings rung through a nervous pit grew in my stomach. Maybe he had blocked me. A fourth ring sounded in my ear and I was about to hang up when I heard-


I gulped, this time his voice wasn't in my head. It was right next to my ear. The voice that had got me through every heartbreak and every disappointment and every late night nightmare. It tried to say something but it came out as I strangled sob.

I heard a sharp intake of breath followed by what I could only describe as the sound of relief.

"...Is....Is this?"

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it. I wiped the tears from my eyes or at least I tried to.


Dear Katsuki....what do you think of me ten years later?


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