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I got home and saw two people I least expected to see.

" Zachariah Tessa! " I exclaimed and hugged them both and as I touched them a rune popped into my head almost instantly

I let them go and as if I was being possessed I pulled out my Steele and drew on the wall.

" Elsa what are you doing? " my father asked

" Saving what has been lost " i say in a monotone voice

Then I step back and the rune is shinning and someone steps threw it.

" By the angel! Will? " Zachariah says

" Jem? " the man who's name is will exclaims and they hug

" Will? " Tessa says gasping

" Tessa! " will exclaims hugging her as well

" Who's Jem? " my mother asks

" Me. My full name is James. James Carstairs. It's was my name before I became a silent brother " Zachariah says
" And this is my Parabatia Will. William Herondale "

" Horondale " my father says touching his ring

" My Herondale ring! Your a Herondale? " will says astonished

" Yes! I've heard so much about you. Tessa gave me your ring " my father says still in shock

" Wait your related to Emma " my mom says eyes wide

" Yes I am "Zachariah says

" Well we have not been formally introduced. I'm Elizabeth Herondale. Technically I'm also a Morgenstern and a Fairchild " I say putting a hand out and he shakes it

" And I'm Clarissa Morgenstern but you can all me Clary " my mom said ignoring when my father coughed Herondale

" And I'm jace Herondale " my father says

" Seems we got quite a story " will says

We had a long conversation and somewhere between the middle Alec my fathers Parabatia showed up and was explained what happened and stayed.

my father drifted to the piano and started to play.

" You know I always said it was a shame will didn't put his pianist hand to use. At least you know how to use you gift " Zachariah or Jem he said to call him now that we know

" it's not much of a gift but- " my dad said then for cut off

" It's the only time he's humble. Be grateful. " my mother said

" I have the humility of a saint! Alec back me up " my father said looking at his best friend

" I'm siding with Clary on this one " Alec said laughing

" Betrayed by my own Parabatia" my father said glaring

" I know the feeling " Will said

" Will just because Jem didn't agree that ducks were evil doesn't mean you've been betrayed " Tessa said laughing

" Uh yes it does " my father said seriously

" So what's it like.. you know up there? can you see us? " my mom asked changing the duck conversation

" It's really beautiful. And yeah I can " will responded

" I bet you had a heart attack when you found out jace didn't want to be a Herondale. " Jem said snickering

" I nearly came down from heaven to beat the crap out of you myself " will said glaring at my father

I put a rune on that let me hear inside people's thoughts and see there memories

I saw Will pacing yelling down at my father.

I was laughing at some of the things he said

" Elizabeth Marie Morgenstern Herondale! are you doing what I think your doing? " my mother said breakin threw my visions and I realised everyone was either staring at me or my mother

" And what my that be mother? " I say. Innocently and smile my dazzling smile

" Stop it! " my mom says looking away

" I'm confused " will said

" My father valentine secretly fed my mother and Jace's mother angel blood while they were pregnant with us. The extra angel blood made jace and I stronger than regular shadow hunters. I can create new runes and jace slayed demons better than any shadow hunter ever. Once He jumped off the roof of the institution and landed on his feet perfectly not a scratch on him. We had two children Elsa and Anna. Elsa got both my ability to make new runes but she's more powerful than I ever was. Also she can give you supernatural abilities. She is also the best warrior in history. She's even stronger than jace who she inherited her grace, attitude, smugness, and just about everything else about jace. Our other daughter Anna can make new runes but she has to concentrate more and Elsa is stronger than she is. Anna also got just about everything from me. Both girls are half angels. For some unknown reason when Elsa smiles a certain way it hypnotises the person she's looking at." My mother says finishing her long speech.

" Well than! " will said astonished

" Elsa made a rune that let's you read someone's mind and see what there thinking. And I think she might have used it " my mom said looking at me suspicious

" What am I thinking right now? " will asked

" Your thinking about the time you tried to breed a new race of ducks. " I say giggling

" Amazing! and those ducks were cannibals! They ate that meat pie " will said seriously

" Blood thirsty little beasts! never trust a duck " my father says shaking his head

" Finally someone who understands! " will said

After another hour I felt pain in my chest and I started gasping

" Elsa what's wrong?! " my dad asked

" I think you need to go back " I say gasping for air.

Will stepped closer to the portal that was still there and the closer he got the more the pain ends.

" I hope I can see you again " will said smiling and we all hug

" You bet we will " I say smiling my knowing smile

" I see you have mastered the Herondale conceited smile " will said giving me his Herondale smile

" It's not good to be conceited " Tessa chided

" that brings the humble people closer to ruling the world " Jem said to Tessa

" The meek may someday inherit the world but for now it belongs to the conceited like me " will dad and I say at the same time and look at each other afterwards laughing.

With one more group hug will disappears back threw the portal

" How did you do that? " Tessa asked with tears in her eyes

" I don't know! I just hugged you guys and bam! I got a rune I suddenly started drawing " I said frowning

" Thank you Elsa " Tessa said engulfing me in a hug

" your a very gifted girl. Just like your mother " Jem says hugging me as well.

My father coughed and I started laughing

" Oh and your a good warrior like your father " Tessa says laughing with me

" What are you gonna call your new rune? " my mother asked

" Reuniter. For it will reunite us with the ones we loved but lost " I say smiling at Tessa and Jem

Highschool with shadowhunters (a jelsa story)Where stories live. Discover now