Part 10: The Young Keepers' First Burial

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An elderly Raichu had died earlier in the morning. Gloom had decided that the Young Keepers would bury it with her.

The four of them scraped out a grave and rolled the body in.

Gloom took notes on the three of them as they finished up. Twitch and Glazed looked solemn, having already experienced deaths in their family. Shiver was trembling slightly but he would get over it.

"Good job," she praised quietly. "You did well for your first burial."

"Is it weird that I don't feel sad?" Twitch asked. "I just feel like I need a wash, there's no emotion."

"That's perfectly normal," Gloom assured. "The House of Dying is all about acceptance. Especially when it comes to accepting death. What you lack in feeling now will benefit you later as you bury more of the community. There is nothing wrong with hiding emotions."

"I feel a bit queasy," Shiver admitted ," is that normal too?"

"For many yes. You'll get used to it Shiver."

"Is this how you feel everyday?" Glazed questioned. "No sadness or regret towards those that you have to bury?"

"I'm just stoic Glazed," Gloom told the Alolan Vulpix. "I accept things with little or no emotion  but my heart isn't made of stone."

She gave them a small smile. One of the highest praises they could ever receive from her.

"I hope you're feeling proud Young Keepers. Tomorrow you will take your final lesson from Whisper. After that you will be Full Keepers."

"How will we receive our rank?" Shiver asked eagerly.

"Through battle," the Umbreon answered. "You will battle the Keepers one after the other until you are defeated. Whatever Keeper defeated you will be the one above you and you will take the rank below them."

"So that means Whisper will be training us . . ." Twitch began.

"To fight the Keepers," Gloom finished. "You will all do fine. I trust my mate to train you well."

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