Sharon's a classy name, Mom.

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Dean and I were sitting in lawn chairs in our backyard, watching our 3 year old, Castiel, chase around bees. He was obsessed with them. They were all he talked about. We’d be eating breakfast and he’d say “Mommy, can I go play with the bees?” And I’d tell him “No, sweetie. Not until you finish your breakfast.” Then he’d pout a little bit, but finish his food quickly. Neither of us understood why he was so infatuated with bees, but it kept him occupied. I just hoped he wouldn’t get stung.

Cas ran over. “Mommy! Daddy! I caught a bee! Her name is Sharon!” He held out his hands so we could see that he did, in fact, catch a bee. I smiled down at him. “Where’d you get the name Sharon?” He grinned. “I dunno. Sharon is a classy name.” He said and I giggled. “Well, can I pet Sharon?” I asked and he smiled bigger. “Yes, Mommy.” and held the bee closer to me. I reached out and pet the bee with one finger. Dean was grinning next to me and he rubbed Cas’s head. “Great job, buddy. I could never catch a bee, or any bug when I was your age. Heck, I don’t think I could catch a bee today!” I chuckled. “Me either.”

Cas held his hands up. “Alright Sharon, fly away!” He gently tossed the bee in the air, and it landed on his nose. He got the biggest smile I’d ever seen and looked cross-eyed at the bee on his nose. “I think she likes you baby.” I smiled and Cas grinned bigger, taking the bee off his nose. “Here Daddy, hold Sharon. I want to chase more bees!” He put the bee on Dean’s hand that was holding mine, then ran back toward the trees. Dean and I looked at each other and smiled. “God I love that kid.” Dean said and I nodded. “Me too. Who’d have thought our kid would be so damn cute?” He grinned. “Apparently everyone but you.” He chuckled and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes and placed my free hand on his cheek, enjoying the kiss. We finally pulled away and I sighed. “God I miss that.” He looked at me. “Wanna take Cas to Uncle Sammy’s so we can do more things that we miss?” He winked and I blushed, grinning. “Yes sir. You call Sam, I’ll get Cas ready.” I stood up and leaned over Dean to kiss him deeply, then I walked to Cas. “Hey sweetie. You wanna go hang out with Uncle Sammy?” Cas grinned and nodded. “Yes!” I smiled. “Alright. Let’s go get you ready then.” He took my hand and we walked inside through the back door. We went to his room and he sat on his bed. I went through his dresser. “You wanna wear these pants?” He nodded and I set them on top of the dresser. “How about this shirt?” He nodded again, obviously not caring what he wore. That made it easier for me. I grabbed his clean clothes and picked him up, carrying him to the bathroom. I started the bath, making sure to ask him if the water was a good temperature before putting the plug in, then I took off his dirty clothes. I picked him up and set him in the bathtub, and shut the water off.  He was humming and mumbling ‘Uncle Sammy, Uncle Sammy.’ I smiled and washed his hair, then his body and rinsed his hair off. I let him pull the bath plug while I grabbed a towel. He stood up and I picked him up with the towel wrapped around him. “Yay! All clean!” I dried him off and helped him get his clothes on, then we walked to the living room and I turned on the tv for Cas. Dean was in the kitchen making sandwiches. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder. “Hi baby.” I mumbled into his shoulder. He turned around and kissed my forehead. “Hey. Sam is at work for another hour or two, so we have to wait a bit to take Cas over there. So, I decided to make lunch.” I smiled. “Why are you so amazing?” He smirked. “Oh sweetheart, don’t even go there yet.” He looked at me seductively and I bit my lip softly. He kissed me quickly, then finished making the sandwiches. I took Cas’ plate with his sandwich cut into triangles, and we sat on the couch on either side of him. “Here ya go Cas. Peanut butter and jelly, your favorite” He grinned. “Thank you, Mommy.” I smiled. “Thank Daddy. He’s the one who made it.” He grinned bigger and turned to Dean. “Thank you Daddy!” Dean ruffled Cas’ hair. “No problem buddy.” Cas frowned, noticing his hair was still damp. “Mommy will you do my hair when we’re done eating lunch?” I smiled and kissed the top of his head. “Sure, sweetie.”  Dean handed me my plate and we all ate our peanut butter and jellies and watched the Discovery Channel. Cas loved anything with animals on it and that was the only thing he’d watch on tv. But, at this rate, he was gonna be smarter than me by the age of 10. Cas finished his sandwich quickly and sat on the edge of the couch waiting for me to finish, but stared intently at the tv. When I finished eating, I took Dean and Cas’ plates from them and set the dishes in the sink. Cas grabbed my hand. “Come on, Mommy! Do my hair!” I giggled. “I’m coming baby, hold your horses.” He paused and looked at me. “What horses, Mommy?” Dean laughed and I giggled a little bit. “It’s an expression. It just means slow down.” Cas smiled. “Oh. HOLD YOUR HORSES!” He said excitedly, happy that he learned something new. We got to the bathroom and I plugged in the hair dryer. I picked Cas up and sat him on the counter by the sink, and ran my fingers through his dirty-blonde hair as I dried it. Cas giggled as the warm air hit his face. I combed his hair when it was dry and picked him up off the sink and carried him back to the couch. I stood behind the couch and held Cas around his waist, leaning so he was right over Dean’s head. “Hi Daddy!” Cas shouted, making Dean jump a little and look up. “Hi buddy.” Dean smiled and kissed Cas’ nose. “How was getting your hair done?” Cas grinned. “It was fun!” Dean held up his arms and I passed Cas to him, then walked around the couch and sat down by him. Cas sat on Dean’s lap and booped Dean’s nose. “I got you, Daddy!” Dean smiled at him. “Yes you did, buddy.” Then Dean booped Cas’ nose. “I got you back!” Cas giggled and fell onto my lap. “Daddy got me, Mommy!” I booped his nose too and he giggled more. He squealed and sat up to boop my nose back. I giggled and fell back onto the couch. “Okay, okay! You win!” Cas giggled and sat half on my lap and half on Dean’s. Dean looked at his watch. “Hey, it’s almost time to leave for Uncle Sammy’s. Wanna go put your shoes on?” Cas jumped out of our laps and ran to get his shoes and coat. We stood up slowly and walked to the mudroom to put our shoes on. Dean handed me a sweatshirt and grabbed the keys to the Impala. “His car seat’s in the car, right?” “I think so, yeah.” I zipped Cas’ coat for him and we walked out. Dean started the car while I buckled Cas in, then closed the door and sat in the front seat. Cas wiggled in his seat and chanted “Uncle Sammy, Uncle Sammy!” Dean chuckled as he pulled out of the driveway. Sam lived a couple towns over and we tried to visit him as much as possible, but sometimes it wasn’t easy. Sam was a lawyer and didn’t get lot of days off, but he loved hanging out with his nephew, so he encouraged us to bring Cas over whenever we wanted. After about 20 minutes, we pulled into Sam’s driveway and Cas was bouncing with excitement. Dean parked and turned off the car, and I stepped out to unbuckle Cas. Sam heard us pull up and stepped outside. “There’s my favorite little guy!” He said, and Dean chuckled. “Oh stop.” Sam laughed. “Not you. I was talking to my beautiful nephew.” Cas ran over and jumped in Sam’s arms. “Uncle Sammy!” Sam picked him up. “Hi buddy! How are you!?” Sam asked enthusiastically. Cas grinned. “I’m good! I caught a bee today. Her name is Sharon!” Sam looked at Dean and me. “You caught a BEE? Like a real bee?” Cas grinned and nodded enthusiastically and Dean and I nodded too. Sam turned back to Cas. “And you named it Sharon?” I chuckled. “Sharon’s a classy name.” I answered before Cas could and he turned and smiled at me. Sam laughed. “Alright then.” Cas turned back to Sam. “Mommy did my hair!” Sam grinned at him and we all walked inside. “She did? It looks great!” Cas giggled and buried his face in Sam’s neck, hugging him tightly. Sam sat down in his lazyboy chair in the living room, while Dean and I sat on the couch. Cas curled up on Sam’s lap as we all discussed current events since we last saw each other. After a while, Dean and I decided that we should probably go home and Sam asked if Cas could stay the night. “Sure. I packed a bag for him just in case.” I walked to the car to get his bag, and Dean played with Cas until I came back. I handed the bag to Sam and turned to Cas. “Give Mommy and Daddy hugs and kisses before we go.” Cas smiled and kissed Dean, then cuddled into his neck. “Bye Daddy, I love you.” Dean grinned at him. “I love you too, big guy.” Cas jumped into my arms and kissed me, then held onto my neck. “Bye Mommy. I love you.” I kissed him again. “I love you too baby. Be good for Uncle Sammy.” Sam took Cas out of my arms and Dean and I both hugged Sam goodbye too. “Thank you for watching him, Sammy.” Dean said. “Anytime.” Sam replied with a grin, and Dean and I left.

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