We need to do this more

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We were both panting and he hummed into my shoulder. “God I love you.” I smirked. “I love you more.” After we caught our breath, he set me down and undid the handcuffs then tossed them back in the box. After we both put our clothes back on, I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned to face me and laid his head on mine as he wrapped his arms around me. We stood there holding each other for a while and I finally sighed. “It’s so quiet without Cas here.” Dean chuckled. “Yeah, I noticed that too.” I smiled. “You wanna watch a movie? Or go out to dinner?” He grinned. “We haven’t gone to dinner in like… 3 years.” I laughed quietly. “Is that a yes then?” He nodded and kissed my forehead. “It’s gotta be somewhere nice though. So we have to look fancy.” He winked and picked the sexy time box to put it back on the shelf in the closet. He looked through the clothes in the closet and found a nice dress and handed it to me. “Here put this on.” Then he found a suit and took it out. “Should we shower first?” I asked. “We probably smell like sex.” He laughed. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me to the bathroom. He set me down and turned on the water. I pulled him closer by his shirt before I slid it over his head. I ran my hands up and down his chest. “You know, I didn’t get to touch you at all when we were having sex. Do you know how hard that was?” He smirked as he took my shirt off. “I know. I didn’t have your hands pulling my hair or your fingernails down my back.” I shuddered at the thought. “Mmm don’t even get me started.” I unbuttoned his pants and kissed his shoulder as he slid them down then unbuttoned mine and pulled them off along with my panties. I hooked my fingers into the top of his boxers and pulled them down, moving my body down with them, before kissing the tip of his cock and standing back up. He growled. “You are such a tease sometimes.” then picked me up and put me in the shower, pushing me against the wall. I moaned quietly and ran my hands up his chest. “Slow down big boy. I’m not teasing, I promise.” I held up my hands and slowly dropped to my knees, maintaining eye contact the whole time. I bit my lip then ran my tongue along the underside of his cock. He groaned and bit his lip and I smiled. Then I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and bobbed my head. His hands gripped my hair as he laid his head back. I moaned and he jerked slightly. I started moving a little faster and flicked my tongue along his length and he groaned, gripping my hair tighter as he came in my mouth. I moaned again, then let his cock fall out of my mouth as I stood back up. He pulled me in and buried his face in my neck. “I’ll never get over how good you are at that.” He mumbled and I smiled, backing him into the water. He tipped his head back and let the water run down his hair and face. We switched places and I got my hair wet while he washed his. Once we finished washing our hair, we took each other’s loofa and washed each other’s body, exchanging a few kisses. We both rinsed off and he turned off the water while I leaned out and grabbed our towels. He took his and we both dried off and got out. We put our clothes on, and he zipped my dress for me. I blow-dried my hair and he helped me curl it and put it up. We got our jackets, then walked out to the Impala. He opened my door for me then walked around and got in. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Suddenly he chuckled and looked over. “Where are we even going?” I laughed. “I have no idea. Pick somewhere we’re not overdressed for.” He took my hand and kissed it. “Alright. How about we go somewhere we haven’t been yet?” I smiled and intertwined our fingers. “That sounds good.” I pulled out my phone and looked for restaurants near us. “Ooh! How about Olive Garden? We haven’t been there together yet. I’ve only been there once.” He chuckled and kissed the back of my hand again. “Well, it sounds like that’ll make you happy. I’ve never been there, but I’ve always wanted to go.” I smiled and put in the ACDC tape and turned the radio up. We sang along as he drove.

When he parked at Olive Garden, I quickly kissed him, then opened my door and got out of the car. He held his arm out to me, and I took it as we walked in. The hostess asked “How many today?” I smiled at her. “Just two.” She smiled back. “Alright, follow me.” She walked us to a table by a window and set our menus down. “What would you like to drink?” Dean cut in before I could answer. “Do you have any Chardonnay?” She nodded and said “Yes we do.” He grinned. “Great. Can we have a bottle of that?” She smiled and wrote it down. “Sure thing. I’ll go get that and be back to take your orders.” She said as she walked away. Dean took my hands from across the table. “I miss taking you on dates. We need to do this more.” I smiled. “I miss you taking me on dates. We do. Maybe we can go out to lunch with Cas and Sam sometime?” He smiled into my fingers before he kissed them. “That will be amazing.”  The waitress was back a moment later. She set our wine glasses down along with the bottle and pulled out her notepad. We both ordered a Tour of Italy dish, I got North and he got South. The waitress wrote everything down and told us our food would be done soon, then went to another table. Dean opened the Chardonnay and poured some in each of our glasses. We clinked our glasses together and Dean smiled. “To us.” I giggled and repeated. “To us.” Then we both took a drink. We just talked and drank while we waited for our food.

The waitress came back and asked how the food was and if we wanted any dessert. We both ordered a slice of cheesecake beause they didn't have any pie. After the waitress walked away, Dean asked me "Who the hell doesn't have pie?" I smiled a little. "We can bake a pie when we get home. Or when Cas gets back, cause you know how much he loves to help cook." Dean smiled. "Alright, I can wait a little bit for pie if it means I get to see my little boy's face light up." I grinned at him. "I love you." "I love you too. and I love our adorable smart ass kid." He laughed and I laughed with him. "He learned from the best." "Am I adorable or smartass?" He asked, still laughing. "We're both a little of both. Except I'm more smartass and you're more adorable." He shook his head. "If anything, I'm more smartass." The waitress came back with our cheesecake and gave us the bill. We both thanked her and ate our cheesecake, still jokingly arguing about who was adorable and who was smartass. When we finished our food, Dean set $15 on the table, then we went to the checkout counter and he paid for our meals. He held the door open for me on the way out of the restaurant and he opened my car door for me, kissed me softly, then walked around the car and got in. We both buckled up and he started the car, then we headed home.

When we got home, we both took off our shoes, and Dean walked to the bedroom to change his clothes. "Hey pick a movie, I'm gonna take off this monkey suit." "Alright, grab me something to wear too." I replied as I went to look at the movies we had. I decided on "We're the Millers" because Dean hadn't seen it yet, and we couldn't watch it while Cas was home. I put the dvd in and turned the tv on. Dean came out of the bedroom in boxers and a tshirt and handed me one of his flannels. He unzipped my dress and I slipped it off, throwing it into the laundry room along with my bra and pulling on his flannel. He kissed my head and we sat on the couch. "What are we watching?" He asked. "We're the Millers." I answered. "We can't watch this one when Cas is here, and you need to see it." I continued and Dean nodded. "Alright." He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and we watched the movie. Dean yawned when it was over. "Well, that was interesting. It was funny though, I'll give you that." I smiled, sleepily. "I know it was funny. Did you like it?" He kissed my temple. "Yeah, I guess I liked it.. You ready for bed sweetheart?" I nodded and he stood up and took my hands, pulling me up with him. We walked to our room and laid down. I rolled onto my side, and he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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