Chapter 15: Ghalib Says

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"You need me to do what," NK asked, narrowing his eyes and scratching his head, he did that whenever he was asked to do something that he did not like.

Arnav sighed and repeated the request to his cousin. Ever since he had decided to call off his wedding with Payal, he was concerned about her. She was after all his friend first before she became his fiance. He knew Payal was a strong and practical sort of woman and would not be moping and pinning over their failed relationship. But he also knew that she was not as cold as his friends and family believed her to be and that she would be hurting as a result of his decision. In this moment, she needed a friend to look out for her and unfortunately it could not be him. There was too much awkwardness between them now. It was too soon for them to go back to being friends, to behave like none of this happened. So which is why he had asked his cousin to look up Payal and maybe take her out for lunch or something. But NK true to character was being all dramatic about this and was making a bigger deal than necessary about it. He loved his cousin, but sometimes he was pretty damn maddening.

"Are you sure you are not setting me up to be Payal's rebound guy now, are you?" NK wanted to know, as he sat down across his desk.

"No, NK, why would I do that? Besides, she is not your type. Or you hers. So relax, don't get your mind go on an overdrive. I just needed someone to check on her, seeing that I can't do that now," he said, his attention now drawn to his phone that glowed. It was a call from his mother.

"Yeah, mom," he said picking up the phone and NK grinned, making the action of someone slicing off his neck for some reason. Surely his mother was not that terrifying to deserve that kind of reputation, he thought.

"Arnav, are you at work?"

"Yes, sort of. I mean I am at Raizada Designs. What is it?"

"Can you come to AR, say around two this afternoon. Something has come up."

"Is everything alright, mom?"

"Yes and no. I will explain when you are here."

"Sure mom."

Once he hung up, he began to ponder over what his mother had said. Now what fresh trouble was headed their way. Could it be something to do with Mihir Gupta? Or some other fresh trouble? The Raizada business was fraught with troubles beyond Mihir Gupta. There was the issue of successor, which honestly was the elephant in the room that nobody really addressed. The one good thing, at least from Arnav's point of view was that Aakash was now vey much hands on in the business and even the formidable businesswoman that his mother Poonam Raizada was, had warmed up to him. But some of their units were not doing as well as they would have liked and they needed to take some tough decisions on the same. Though he had not ever resented his father, ever since he had become more involved with the business he began to see how there was way too much pressure on his mother and his father's apathy began to annoy him. All their lives would be better if only his father spoke up more often. Even Khushi's life would have been better, he couldn't help but think. Oh Khushi, that reminded him about her situation too.

"What did Chachi say?" NK interrupted his thoughts.

"She needs me to be at AR at two.. NK you will need to do another favour for me," he said reluctantly. He did not want to get more people involved in Khushi's Shekhawat situation, but since his mother had summoned him to AR today, he had no choice but to get someone to help him. And he trusted NK, even at the risk of having to endure another round of silliness from his cousin.

"What is it? Please don't send me to Shankar Market to get the supplies on my own. I went there last time and almost got lost," his cousin said somewhat dramatically. He had to exercise immense self-control and not roll his eyes at that. How could a grown man get lost anyway? But NK had legitimately got lost once in Faridabad, once in a mall and once when they had gone to Jaipur. It was a special talent that he seemed to have.

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