A Quarantine is Pretty Relatable, Huh?

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Komeada slowly carried Hajime up the stairs in the hospital. The others had gone up there already and where setting up. Hajime was getting super heavy, but Komaeda kept walking. Eventually, he made it to the floor that they were keeping Ibuki and Akane. Fuyuhiko was walking down the hallway when he noticed Komaeda and Hajime. "Finally. Come on. He's gonna stay in this first room right here." He pointed at the first room. Komaeda was leaning against a wall, still holding Hajime. "Yeah... ok." He readjusted Hajime on his back, and walked to the room. Fuyuhiko opened it before Komaeda could reach out to the doorknob. "Ah, thank you, Fuyuhiko." Komaeda said, and he walked in. Fuyuhiko followed.

Komaeda and Fuyuhiko worked together to place a still-passed-out Hajime on the hospital bed. After they got him there, Komaeda took a second to catch his breath. Fuyuhiko noticed this. "Why are you wheezing so damn hard? Hajime's not even that heavy, and look at me. Have you never exercised or something?" He questioned. "Ah... no. I've done a couple of excercises a few times, but it's been awhile. Anyways, should we get Hajime out of his clothes and into a hospital gown?" Komaeda asked. Fuyuhiko nodded, and the two sat in silence for a minute.

"Are you... gonna...?" Fuyuhiko motioned towards Hajime. "Hmm? Oh, I mean... I could. Yeah, I'll do it. Where are the gowns-?" Komaeda asked. "Over there." Fuyuhiko pointed to the closet. Komaeda walked over, and opened it up.

It was super small. Which made sense, since this hospital wasn't very large. There was a couple of towels, buckets, and other assorted items. Komaeda saw the gown on the highest shelf, and grabbed it. He shut the door and walked back.

Komeada looked down at the passed-out Hajime. "Hm. How am I gonna get his clothes off when he's passed out like this? It's going to be very... awkward explaining this to Hajime when he wakes up." Komaeda said. "Well, yeah. But it's better for one of us to do it instead of Mikan. You should just... take them off. He's only wearing a shirt and pants, it isn't gonna be that hard. Hell, you could only take off the shirt, I'm sure the pants wouldn't do any harm."

Komaeda took that into account and thought for a minute, trying to figure out which way would be least weird for him to undress Hajime. As much as a creep everyone thought Komaeda was, even he wouldn't do stuff like... that. So, Komaeda set the gown on the side table, and pulled of Hajime's tie. He set that down, then pulled off his shirt. Hajime stirred a bit in his sleep, but Komaeda was too preoccupied to notice. What Komaeda did notice was a couple of small scars on Hajime's chest. "Huh. Weird." He commented. "Huh? What" Fuyuhiko asked. "Well, Hajime's got a couple of scars here. But it's probably from some surgery or something." Fuyuhiko took a quick look. "Yeah, maybe. But it really isn't our business. Hurry up and get him in the gown already. I'm gonna go help Mikan finish getting ready." Fuyuhiko walked towards the door. "Oh, ok." Komaeda said, as Fuyuhiko walked out.

Komeada turned to the side table and grabbed the gown. When he turned back, Hajime was awake and sitting up. "Oh? Hi Nagito!" Hajime said excitedly, not noticing his lack of a shirt. "Oh, perfect. Hajime, can you put this on? It's a night gown. They're super comfy to wear." Komaeda asked, trying to make the gown sound nice to wear. In actuality, the gowns were stiff, and not at all quality made. Hajime grinned. Well, he made his smile larger than it already was, since he had been wearing a smile since that morning, even in his sleep. "Sure! I'd love to!!" Komaeda handed Hajime the gown. Hajime slipped it on.

Once Hajime put the gown on, Komaeda grabbed Hajime's shirt and tie, and started heading to the door. "Huhh?? Where're you going, Nagito? I wanna come, too!" Hajime said in a sing-songy voice, getting off the bed. Komaeda stopped him. "Hajime, you have to stay here. Bye." With that, he left.

Komaeda walked down the stairs. He felt weird. Hajime hadn't sounded that glad to see him since that first trial. Komaeda wasn't used to people acting like this towards him.

Komaeda decided to shake off the feeling. The feeling was meaningless. After all, it's just the Despair Disease talking. Hajime would never be glad to see him.

Komaeda walked into the lobby, where Mikan and Fuyuhiko were. "Oh, hello. Where should I put Hajime's stuff?" Komaeda asked. "U-uhm, just put it o-over at the reception desk." Mikan directed. She and Fuyuhiko were fiddling around with what looked like a small radio. Komaeda put the clothes in a drawer in the desk, then asked what the device was.

"It's a radio thing. It's got a camera. Basically, we can talk to the others with this. Soda's gonna call any minute...." And just then, Soda called. "Hey? Can you guys hear me? Can you see me?" He asked. "Yup. How about us?" Fuyuhiko asked.

While Fuyuhiko, Mikan, and Komaeda  were talking on the radio, Hajime was exploring. He traveled up to the third floor, and looked in the rooms. He still used the walls for support, but his fever wasn't going to stop him. "This place is fun." Hajime thought, as he sat in the conference room on the third floor. "Hehe, they'll never find me here...!" More specifically, Hajime was hiding in the conference room. Behind the curtain. For some reason.

[Sorry this took so long to get out! I've been quite busy lately, but it's finally here! I finally got all my ideas written down.
Thank you for reading! Hopefully this chapter was alright, and not too short. Writing Despair Disease!Hajime is fun. Also, I think I might have like... character development for the quarantine squad? Maybe? Also, for you Mikan fans, she'll be in the next chapter more.]

[Also trans Hajime is great]

DespairDisease!Hajime x Komaeda [Canceled]Where stories live. Discover now