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Hey everyone and welcome to book two! This is really exciting aaahhhh

But for some of you it might be hard to follow the story line, hehe.

I used quite some time on the first book and I understand if you don't remember what happened along the way, because it happened so much oops 🙊

So here is a little recap for those of you who need to catch up on the story! If not, just skip this chapter and enjoy❤️

Arya and Shawn met through Andrew at Island records. Shawn quickly got out of a toxic relationship with Hailey as soon as they met. Arya and Shawn get together and she becomes pregnant pretty quickly (lol sorry). Shawn feels as if he rushes her into their relationship and wonders why she haven't said "I love you" yet. Arya finally tells him that she struggles with saying it because last time she said it was to her ex, which raped her (she is okay tho). Arya thinks she is too young to be a mother and wants to have an abortion. They also go on a gat away to London to take their minds off the hasty reality. On their way to London she said the famous words "I love you". In London, in Hyde park, Arya decides that she want to have the child after all. Sadly she got shot at and hit in London and ended up losing the baby. She is told that there is a 7% chance that she will ever become pregnant again. When they got back home they were apart for about two month and then got back together on Shawn's 21 birthday. After that Arya suffered a backlash of the injuries and spent two weeks in hospital. Sierra (her little sister) decided to move in with the Mendes family in Ontario. After a while Arya and Shawn travels to Malta to a rented house. There they celebrate Arya's 20th birthday and Shawn makes "fallin all in you" to ask Arya to move in with him. She says yes and they go back home, but pushes back the move in till after Christmas. As a Christmas present, Arya tattoos SM on her collarbone.
At a party later on, Arya heard that Andrew wanted Shawn to Beale up with her and marry someone else spontaneously just to make the media talk, Shawn didn't protest when Andrew threatens his career. Arya was so shocked by this and went to her own apartment (they still hadn't moved in together) and basically went into lockdown. She shut everything and everyone out, and suffered from eating disabilities and severe depression. Shawn eventually found her after a month and took her to a hospital, he was now her official guardian. After a month they went to Malta to heal together. 10th of may came around when they were in Malta (it is their one year anniversary) and Arya proposed to Shawn. Shawn said yes and they stayed in Malta for another month. When they got back home they finally moved in together and everything was going fine. Then Arya was stabbed by her crazy ex boyfriend and she ended up in the hospital again. Shawn and Arya broke up because she was afraid of his fame and how it was putting them both in danger. She moved out of Shawn's place and they lost contact for a few months. Shawn's 22nd birthday rolled around and they hooked up. She left before he woke up which ended in him composing "where were you in the morning".
Arya made her own debut album and got a new boyfriend, Max.
In November Shawn and Arya went on a secret trip to Malta, even tho they didn't have much contact they wanted to keep a tradition by going there every year for Arya's birthday. This was her 21st birthday. She told Shawn about Max. She got really sick and had a miscarriage in Malta. It was Shawn's from the one night stand, she didn't even know she was pregnant. Max came to Malta, but Arya didn't feel like it was right so they broke up and she got back with Shawn, engagement and all back on. They stayed in Malta until Christmas. By that time she hadn't seen her sister in a year. Arya was offered to be the face of Louis Vuitton's wedding dress collection and she said yes. Arya released new music when the new year approached and she and Shawn set July 2nd as their wedding date. They wed (yey). And went on a hell of a honeymoon and was in Paris by the time of Shawn's 23rd birthday. Arya told Shawn she was expecting. A week after they got home from their honeymoon, they was involved in a car crash. Shawn went into coma and was declared as a patient that wasn't coming back. For her birthday that year, Karen have her Shawn's gift to her, which was an engraved diamond ring. In the middle of December Arya had a drunk one night stand with Jack. Christmas approached and Shawn woke up against all odds on Christmas morning. He did not remember Arya. Arya takes Jack to Malta (as friends) and Shawn travels after them. Three months after the accident, on the 2nd of January, Shawn remembers everything. They go back home to Toronto and after a month or two, Arya discover, to her big surprise, that she is pregnant again. But... she doesn't know who the father is...

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