Chapter 4

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"Hey, Ruth, honey wake up."

Then I felt a pillow hit me on the face.  "What was that for?"I asked getting out of bed yawning. "Because I felt like it. Now get changed quickly, we need to go shopping!" "Urgh, fine!" I replied. I gathered some clean clothes, some underwear and my make up bag and went into the bathroom. Was last night just one of my fangirl dreams or did it happen?

When I came out of the bathroom Mel was at the door of the hotel waiting for me.  "You ready yet?"she sighed. "Yeah I said fixing my hair.  And we headed out the door.

"I cant believe what happened last night." Mel said as we were drinking our Starbucks. "Yeah me either! When Brad was there I had a melt down nearly!" I said putting my hand on my chest over my heart. I looked at Mel amd she was blushing and smiling at me. "What? Do I still have some chocolate muffin on my face?" She shook her head and pointed behind me. I turned around to see Brad's face."Hey, Beautiful."he said. "Oh... h-hi. W-why are you here?" I said putting my drink down. "I came to the hotel to find you guys, but Niall said that you went out somewhere.  So me and the others went to Nandos for lunch. James saw you here so he said I should go over and say hi."he said rubbing his neck. " Well it was nice to see you but we really need to be going now.  We have to get ready for tonight's party. Dont we Ruth?" Mel said catching hold of my hand. " sorry Brad. I'll see you later." I said glaring at Mel. Why is she saying that? "Oh yeah sure but um give me your phone." I handed him my phone and he gave me his. We exchanged numbers. He smiled and we all said goodbye and went our separate ways. I looked at my phone and he had saved his name as: Bradthebae ♥♡♥

I giggled and showed Mel. She looked and shrugged her shoulders. What's her problem? What have I done that made her be mad at me?

We put our shopping in the boot of my car and got in. "Mel, wanna talk?" I asked her. She turned her head to me. I noticed her eyes were full of tears. "Mel, whats wrong?" I took hold of her hand and rubbed my thumb in circles around the back of her hand. "Its just... its just that I dont wanna lose you again. When you were with Luke, we never hung out. I just dont want to be left behind again." I grabbed a tissue out of my handbag and dried her eyes. "Hun, I will never do that. Even when I become famous, we will still have the best girls days. Oh I would never ever leave you.. ever. Your my best friend, my sister I never had, I love you." I said hugging her tightly amd she did the same.

When we arrived back at our hotel room, it was nearly 4pm. "We need  get ready. It takes an hour to get to the party, an hour and a half  get ready so we really need to start." Mel said grabning her new outfit she bought today out of a bag. "Yeah we do." I agreed doing the same. I bought a black strapless dress, with a white belt, black heels and I bought some jewellery to match. Once I was finished getting dressed,  Mel came and my mouth dropped open. We had bought the same, but Mel's was red. "Hun, you look stunning!" I said giving her a hug. "Stop, you're looking way sexier than me by far!" We both laughed and rushed into the bathroom to do our make up. I went for a 'girls night out' look and Mel went for the same. For once, in 4 years, I let down my hair. "Hun!!!" Mel gasped.  She looked as if she wad gonna cry. "Dont cry! You'll ruin your make up!!"

"I dont care!! You're beautiful!"

I could fell myself start to blush. "Right come on , we're going to be late." We rushed to my car and drove to the party venue.

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