The Trip

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Early morning on Dalmatian street.

Dylan packed a large bag of stuff for the trip. Food, tent and other accessories he believes he needs for the trip. Dylan heads to the kitchen and fills two bowls of kibble. Then goes to the sofa where Dolly was still sleeping.

Dylan: Dolly wake up and eat this we got to go soon. (Shaking her)

Dolly: (Dolly wakes up and looks around) The sun not even up yet!! (Cross)

Dylan: I know but we got a schedule to keep. (Pointing to a list in his hand)

Dolly: Okay can I look at that for a moment. (Stretching out her paw)

Dylan: Okay if you want. It's not like you to be interested in my schedules.
(Passing the paper to Dolly)

Dolly: Thanks

Dolly tears up the paper whilst Dylan is in shock.

Dolly: Dylan I'm coming with you but I'm not following a schedule!

Dylan: But Dolly!!

Dolly: No schedule!!
(Placing her paw over Dylan's mouth)

Dylan: Okay but eat up we've got a bus to catch.

Dylan and Dolly ate breakfast and head to the bus station. Where they see their bus and get on it. After a few hour travelling on the bus.

Dolly: Are we there yet?

Dylan: No.

Dolly: (Five minutes later) Are we there yet?

Dylan: No.

Dolly: (One minute later) Are we there yet?

Dylan: Yes!

Dolly: (Excitedly) Really!!

Dylan: No. (Smiling)

Dolly: I'm soo bored! (Laying back in her seat)

Dylan: Don't fear Dolly I've come prepared.(Pulling a book out of his bag)

Dylan: One hundred pages on the planet Mars!(Excitedly)

Dolly: (Sighs) Pass wake me up when we get there.

As Dolly sleeps she falls asleep on Dylan shoulder which made Dylan blush. But also happy he begins to read his book on Mars. After a few hours the bus stopped at there destination.

Dylan: Dolly wake up we're there.

Dolly: What, what. (Just waking up and stretching) Finally lets go Dylan!

Dylan and Dolly got off the bus and saw two big mountain. One bigger then the other and a huge river stretched in between them.

Dolly: (Shocked) We got to climb that? (Looking at the small mountain)

Dylan: Yes Dolly we got to climb the small mountain. Then we cross a rope bridge over to the big mountain. That's where we will have the best view off the meteor showers.

Dolly: (Stares off in terror) That's not happening!

Dolly try's to get back on the bus but gets pulled back by her bands by Dylan.

Dylan: Come on Dolly we're already here. We can't go back now.

Dolly: Fine but you owe me big for this let's go. (Pushing her paw into his chest)

Dylan and Dolly set off up the mountain after a few hours.

Dolly: My paws hurt!

Dylan: (Map in his paws) Don't worry we will rest soon.

Dolly: Dylan are you show we're going the right way I feel we passed that tree before.
(Pointing to a tree)

Dylan: Please Dolly I'm sure we're going the right way trust me.

Dylan had just realises he's got the map upside down and they been walking around in circles.

Dylan: (Nervously) Dolly don't get mad at me.

Dolly: Don't say it!
(Placing a paw over her face)

Dylan: It's what you think we have been going in circles.

Dolly: Dylan give me the map! (Snatching the map of Dylan) Now you're going to follow me come on. (Annoyed)

Dylan: I'm sorry.

After a few hours it was getting dark Dylan and Dolly find a spot by a small lake. Dylan sets up camp and then starts a fire. Dolly turns her back on Dylan

Dylan: Dolly I'm sorry please don't be mad.

Dolly: (Turns around) Your an idiot only you could get use lost going up a mountain!
(hugs Dylan) I forgive you.

Dylan: Thanks Dolly. (Smiling)

Dolly: How far do you think we need to go?

Dylan: We'll I think we're near the bridge to the second mountain.

Dolly: I need too rest my paws I'm so tired.

Dylan: Agreed it's been a long day and I'm freezings.

Dylan and Dolly enter the tent. They realise that he's only packed one sleeping bag.

Dolly: Dylan there's only one sleeping bag? (Shocked)

Dylan: Didn't you pack your sleeping bag?

Dolly: You rushed me out the door. I didn't have time. You just have to be a gentleman and give me yours!

Dylan: Dolly I'll freeze! (Upset)

Dolly: You got fur! (looks at Dylan sad face) Fine we will have to share it.

Dylan and Dolly get into the sleeping bag facing away from each other. Both extremely embarrassed but both wanted to say something to the other. But they couldn't find the words an hour passed.

Dolly: Dylan are you still awake?
(Dylan snores) Idiot! (In her mind) Can't believe we're so close I should tell him how I feel.

Dolly kiss Dylan on the cheek. She smiles then hugs Dylan and falls asleep.

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