The Funural

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Dolly gives description off Dylan to the Ranger A few hours later Delilah and Doug turn up panicking they see Dolly crying in the corner off the room.

Delilah: Dolly it's not your fault.
(Crying whilst hugging Dolly)

Dolly: (Crying) Yes it is mum! If I didn't try to cross that bridge Dylan would be here now!(Crying harder)

Doug: We will find him sweetie. Dylan a fighter  he won't give up.

Dolly: You're right dad. (Still crying) We have too find him.

It's been a few days since they formed a search party for Dylan and they still couldn't find him.

Back at the Ranger station.

Ranger: Mr and miss Dalmatian I'm sorry we need to call off the search. We still haven't found him by now and there's wolf and bears out in the woods.

Delilah: Please we must find him! (Crying)

Ranger: I'm sorry this isn't the outcome you wanted. But you have to face the truth your son not coming back.

Dolly: No your wrong!! Dylan okay he out there and needs our help! Tell him dad we got too keep looking! (Crying)

Doug: I'm sorry Dolly they have done all they can Dylan gone. (Dolly runs off crying)

Delilah: I'll talk to her. (Wiping her tears)

Delilah chases after Dolly until she stops by the river.

Delilah: (Hugging Dolly) I know how much Dylan meant to you. But Dylan won't want you to be like this. We both got to be strong for the pup's.

Dolly: Mum you don't understand I loved him!(Crying) I never got the chance to tell him what he meant to me.

Delilah: (Crying) I know it's not fair love. Take comfort knowing that he loved you.

Dolly, Doug, Delilah head back home. Delilah breaks the bad news gently to the pup's which breaks their hearts.

A day pass.

Delilah and Doug decide to have a funnel for Dylan in the park. So the puppies and themselves could have some closure and move past this horrible event near the statue of the horse. There's a big picture off Dylan smiling that Da vinchi painted a few months back. Each puppy carry's a white rose to the picture and places it near the picture. Dylan friends Fergus, Big C, and Sid all place roses. Dolly was the last one to drop her rose. She sees Dylan smile. Which makes her burst into tears she couldn't take the fact the love of her life had gone.

Dolly: It's not fair how could you leave me!(Crying) Dolly runs to the treehouse.

Delilah talks to Doug.

Delilah: She needs time to greave.

Meanwhile on the big mountain

Dylan: Where am I?

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