Thrill of The Hunt

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        Lux awoke with a start. There was quiet chatter of deep voice around her. She slowly shifted her head. Her skull felt heavy and stuffed with cotton. She saw a large number of men around her. She didn't recognize many of them. No one seemed to notice her. Lux was propped up against the corner. Her wrists and ankles were bound. They kept the surrounding area very dark. She bit her lip. What did they want with her?

        Suddenly the voice grew louder and began calling to each other. Shouts about a 'Pack Leader' were volleyed back and forth. She remembered the men...the beasts and shut her eyes tight against the images in her head. No way could this be happening. How is this even possible? Werewolves are fairy tales. The closest thing she knew to a werewolf was..

        All the men began howling as another person entered the room. Or, she had at first assumed it was a person but as she saw the long wolfish paws stride towards her and focused on the long taloned hand she saw she was very wrong. A fur covered man walked right up to her and smiled darkly. His coat reeked of dried blood and rotting flesh. Lux gagged as he got close. His muzzle was thrust in her face boldly. Warwick, the Blood Hunter stood in front of her in his horrifying glory.

        "Luxanna, what a risky prey." Warwick's deep voice growled. Lux couldn't contain her fear and looked upon him with unhindered terror. He only laughed at her repulsion. "Surprised to see me, fawn?" He cackled. Lux swallowed.

        "Y-you're violating the rules of the institute, Warwick. Let me go and maybe I won't..won't tell them about your operation." Lux stammered. She kept her bound hands close to her and curled up protectively. She knew she wasn't very intimidating.

        "You'll see soon, Lux. To hell with that damned Institute. We have bigger plans, bigger goals!" Warwick started building himself up. Lux listened carefully, hoping to catch on to whatever madness this beast was infested with. But he was interrupted.

        "Watch yourself, Warwick." A calm collected voice called out. Another person with questionable humanity strode through the bristling pack of wolves without fear. The Mad Chemist, Singed walked in calmly. His ravaged form contrasted strikingly against the nice suit he was donned in this evening. "She's too bright to leak too much information. You should always be cautious of your enemies." Singed sighed, looking down at her like she was nothing more than a child caught underfoot.

        "You're the one whom should watch themselves. You may excel, but you are still an apprentice to me." Warwick snarled harshly. Lux watched silently. Singed formed his destroyed mouth into an attempt at a straight lip. She pressed herself further against the wall. What has she gotten herself into?

        Singed sighed and walked slowly to a chair. He took the beaten wicker seat as a throne and gave Warwick a conceding look. The hunter turned away from Lux and snapped his maw dominantly.

        "We have to play more safe, now." Singed admitted sitting forward pressing his scarred fingers together. Warwick nodded.

        "We should also further the plan quicker. They'll come looking." Warwick added. Singed nodded. Lux swallowed and sent a quick prayer for her partner in crime. Let him be safe.


        Ezreal panicked. He had no idea what else to do, so he pulled out all the stops. Ezreal ran back to the bar and practically threatened the bartender till they let him use their phone. Ezreal desperate clung to the phone and typed in the number for the Institute. The phone rang twice before it was picked up by a receptionist. 

        "Patch me to Garen Crownguard!" Ezreal snarled impatiently. The receptionist stammered, but did as she was told. There was ringing before a sleepy and slightly slurred voice answered. "Garen! It's Ezreal, there's a situation here." Ez hurriedly explained. Garen snapped too instantly.

        "What kind of situation, boy?" Garen boomed over the phone. Ez had to pull it away from his ear for a moment, but quickly went back to the receiver. 

        "Your sister has been kidnapped..or well..kinda kidnapped. She went with them willingly, but she was threatened. She was trying to protect me for some stupid reason, like an idioit of course. Why couldn't she just-" Ezreal began to ramble before Garen cleared his throat and brought Ez back to focus. 

        "Where are you and how long has she been missing?" Garen asked. Ez bit his lip.

        "That's the thing. I don't know where we are. We..I got drunk last night and we woke up together in bed-" 

        "YOU WHAT?!" Garen interrupted loudly. Again Ez pulled the phone away, realizing he should probably be a little more careful with the details. He shook his head, still tipsy from the drinks, and went back to the call. 

        "Listen, tough guy, are you going to help your sister or what?" Ez snapped. He eyed the bartender. He covered the mouthpiece before speaking again. "What town are we in?" Ez asked. The bartender curled his lips into a pout. Ezreal narrowed his eyes reminding him of the threats. The bartender dropped his stubbornness and told him the town was called Lupinburg. He rolled his eyes, how cliche. 

        "It'd be easier to help IF I KNEW WHERE YOU WERE!" Garen bellowed again. Did he not realize that you didn't need to scream over the phone? 

        "Name of the town is Lupinburg, as I've just found out. Listen, you aren't going to believe this but-" Ez was once again interrupted. 

        "Werewolves." Garen said flatly. Ez blinked a few times. 

        " did you-" 

        "The Institute has been watching that area for awhile now. You'd know this if you actually ever went to the committee meetings, Ezreal." Garen sighed. Ez finally noted how tired he sounded. He realized that Garen always sounded tired recently. Guilt crept in. Had he really not noticed the strain on his team mates? "This just got far more complicated. I can send in a few people, but this needs to be as covert as possible. I cannot stress this enough." Garen spoke with sincere urgency. Ez nodded, realized he was on the phone, then made an affirming sound. Garen sighed. 

        "I can send in Janna and Soarka now, but I need further permission before I can send in more." Garen explained. Ezreal tasted dread. 

        "Y-you can't send in someone with a little more...I don't know..firepower?" Ez asked. Garen laughed.

        "You've obviously never taken a good look at the true power of your teammates, Ezreal. They'll be there by morning. For now, goodnight. There's nothing more we can do." Garen hung up the phone with remorse. Ez hung up and slumped down on a stool. How could he possibly wait till morning? Ez sighed and slipped off his seat. He needed to find a bed for the night and had to hope that next morning will be better. He prayed that Lux will be safe for now. He had no idea how long her royal name will last her in a den full of beasts. Ez glanced up at the stars. 

What an adventure this turned out to be..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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