Chapter 2

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After the maths lesson i had double pe. How fun! Can't you just here the sarcasm driping from everyword. After class everyone was still staring and talking about me but i just shrugged it off.

"Hey we have pe now and you are in mixed group." Sarah beamed as i came out of the classroom.

"What the hell is mixed group?" I asked.

"Oh it is a class with boys and girls." Sarah smiled.

"Okay how do i get there?" I asked.

"Follow us and we will show you." One of Sarahs friends said. She had brown shoulder length hair with bright blue eyes. She was a little chubby and around the same height as me.

"Okay." I shrugged and followed Sarah and her friend.

"My name is Jessica by the way." Jessica smiled.

"Okay." I said and carried on walking.

"You aren't much of a talker are you?" Jessica chuckled which i chose to ignore. We got outside and were headed to a building which must of been pe. When we got there we had to line up outside and take the register. After the register was done everyone was allowed to go inside and get changed. As i was about to walk inside i was stopped by a really butch teacher who looked like a lesbian.

"Are you the new girl?" Miss asked.

"Yep." I yawned.

"Hello my name is miss Scrafton." She smiled.

"Axel." I shrugged.

"How about you go inside and get changed for pe." Miss Scrafton smiled.

"Okay." I sighed and walked into the small building. I looked for the girls changing rooms and i effortlessly found them. I walked inside and went into a free cubicle and started to get changed. This school was so weird. For the pe kit you had to wear a sports bra and some three quater running pants with some trainers. All of my pe kit was black because the only other colours they had were pink or blue which i could not deal with. Once i was changed i grabbed mystuff and shoved them into a locker and locked it before walking outside as i tied my hair up but leaving out my fringe. I followed everyone else to outside where Miss Scrafton was standing there setting a few cones over what looked like a race track. Soon enough more and more people piled onto the field and the lesson was about to begin. I notice there were only like 7 girls on our class including me and about 10 boys. This should be fun. Not.


i couldn't stop thinking about that new girl. She was absolutely stunning and totally my type. She seemed like a bit of a loner though. Like she didn't want anyone near her. I just hope i can get to know her. I saw what she was wearing and it seems like she is into the type of music i am into too. Maybe she would like the band i am in which i play the drums for.

"Dude come on we need to meet the others before heading off to pe." Ben said nudging me from the side.

"Oh yeah." I said and began to walk with Ben to the boys toilets to meet the others.

"Hey Ben?" I asked as we stood outside of the toilets.

"Yeah?" Ben replied.

"You know the new girl?" i asked.

"The really fit one that sat down inbetween us?" Ben smirked.

"Yeah." I smirked.

"Is she in our pe class?" I asked.

"I dont know but i hope so. In pe we are doing running so we can get to watch her run if you know what i mean." Ben smirked making me smirk.

"What are you two talking about?" Cameron asked as him, Danny and Sam approached us.

"Oh there is a new girl in school and she is really fit." Ben smirked.

"Lets just hope she is in our pe class." Danny grinned as we began to walk to pe. We got outside of the building and waited for our names on the register to be called out. Once my name was called out and i answered, i walked into the boys changing room and got changed into some basket ball shorts and Grey T-shirt which was all of the boys' pe kits. Once i finished i shoved all of my things into a locker next to Bens and Dannys and locked it before walking out onto the field to see that Axel and everybody else was there. Perfect. Maybe this would give me more of a chance to get to talk to her. I sat down on the grass inbetween Cameron amd Sam and began to listen to Miss Scrafton.

"Okay so this lesson we will be testing how fast everyone here can run so we will be doing to 1500 meter run. Girls will be tested first as there are less girls than boys. Girls get into position onto a lane and wait to here my signal. Anyone who gets over 20 minutes will be made to do it over again until you can get under 20 minutes. Now remember 1500 meters is 3 times around the lap." Miss Scrafton instructed. "Boys since in the mean time you have nothing to do you all have to cheer the girls on for moral support. Understand?"

"Yes miss." Everyone said together. Everyone got up from where they were sat. All of the boys sat at the starting/finishing line as all of the girls got ready to start running. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Axel. She looked so perfect in her pe kit. Her sports bra made her boobs look huge! Hey don't judge me I'm a guy. Anyways i watched as she stared to warm up for running. She was doing a couple of stretches when i realised she had a burn mark on the top of her arm. It looked like someone had branded the initials CS into her skin. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Who do you thinks is going to finish first?" Cameron asked me.

"I dunno I mean Lynn is always the fastest but i have a feeling that Axel might be faster." I shrugged.

"Dude Axel is totally fit." Sam grinned.

"I know just look at her. I wouldn't mind fucking her." Callum said to me. Callum was a massive porn watcher. He was so creepy. Like indescribabley creepy. He perved on every girl in this school even if they were ugly as fuck.

"Dude you're fucking weird." Danny turned to Callum.

"Yeah weird in the bedroom." Callum winked.

"Dude you're probably still a virgin." I laughed.

"I am not!" He exclaimed making all of the guys chuckle.

"Yeah right." Ben snickered.

"On your marks get set go!" Miss Scrafton yelled and as soon as she said that all of the girls were off. All of the girls were running at the same speed until Axel went ahead of everyone. I saw Lynn scowel at her and tried to catch up to her but failed. As Lynn caught up to Axel, Axel would just go faster and faster. As they ran round the track all of the guys were silent. All watching the girls run. I know it sound perverted but we are all teenage boys. We can't help it. Time went on and all of the girls were on their final lap. We all cheered for the girls who we wanted to win and we all started to cheer Axel on since she was unstopable. She was way faster than any of the other girls. Finally Axel made past the finishing line all hot and sweaty. She collpased to the ground while panting.

"That is how i am going to make her once we have sex." Callum grinned.

"Ew you are fucking gross." Some other lad said from behind Callum.

All of the other girls finished and it was time to hear what all of the girls got as their time. Miss read out all of the times of the girls and finally got to Axels time.

"Well done Axel you beat Lynns all time record and the schools record. Congratulations. You are doing pretty well for your first day." Miss Scrafton beamed. Lynn scoweled at Axel but Axel just shrugged it off. Now it was time for the guys to run and am i hell looking forward to it.

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