Chapter 1

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Brilliant. Just brilliant. Today is the day that i move into my new high school. Urgh. Oh yeah i should probably introduce myself. My name is Axel Wakely and I'm 16. Yes I am aware that i have a boys name but i couldnt give a fuck. I have waist length brown hair in the style which is classed 'emo'. I have bright blue eyes and i am about 5'5. I have a skull tattoo that covers the whole of my left hand which i got when me and my family went to spain. I have 5 piercings in total which i have my septum, right side of the nose, spider bites and a dermal under my right eye. I have both my ears stretched at 8mm. People say i am an asshole but that is probably because i am one. I am into rock and heavy metal which i always get stereotyped for. And yeah that is pretty much me.

The one thing i was dreading most for about moving to a new school is the students. You see i don't like or want to have friends. They are pointless in my eye. Every friend i had either betrayed me or got me down and the same with boyfriends. I know for a fine fact that when i arrive at that school they will appoint me with a student to help me find classes and they will probably try and be my friend. I am like a lone wolf. I like doing things by myself.

Right now i was in the car with my mother as she was driving me to school. This school didn't have a uniform which i was quite shocked about considering it was in the uk but hell i won't complain. I was wearing my black mötely crüe vest top with my ripped skinny jeans, black leather jacket and black converse. I had my Slipknot back pack on my lap which carried my pe kit and other stationary as the school informed my mother that i would have pe on the first day that i join. Urgh.

"We are here." My mother chirped.

"Ew." i replied.

"Now Axel when you get introduced to people, please make friends and be nice." my mother pleaded.

"yeah... No" i said before getting out of the car and shoving my bag over my shoulder and onto my back.

"Have a good day sweetie." My mother shouted from the car. I ignored her and started to walk up the concrete steps. I'm guessing i am late since no one is outside but i couldn't give a fuck. Once my mother had driven off i decided to have a quick cigarette before going into school.

Once i had finished i stomped it out on the chewing gum covered floor and began to walk into the dull looking school and into the main office.

I walked up to the front desk of the office and greeted the receptionist. "Hi my name is Axel Wakely and I'm a new student." I sighed.

"Ah yes here is your schedule and booklet about the school. If you would wait one moment i will send someone down to collect you to show you around." The receptionist smiled.

"Thanks." I said emotionlessly and sat down in the waiting area. After a couple of minutes of sitting down i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a nerdy looking girl smile at me. She had curly ginger hair that was placed in a ponytail, black thick glasses on, a plain white T-shirt with blue jeans and black ankle boots, She had brown eyes, thin lips, big nose and some spots around her face. She smiled even bigger and i could see that she also had braces. Wow she really does look like your typical nerd.

"Hello my name is Sarah and i have been asked to show you around as i am in most of your lessons. Right now we should be having mathematics so if you would like to come with me i will show you were to go." Sarah sqeauked out.

"Fine." I sighed and got up from my seat. I was quite surprised to see that i was much taller than this girl she must of been about 5'0 or something. We started to walk down a plain white corridor that stunk of bleach.

"So what is your name?" Sarah asked.

"Axel." I replied emotionlessly. The more and more she spoke the more it irritated me.

"That is a nice name so where are you from?" Sarah asked as we turned a corner into a department that had 'Maths' Written above the double doors. I stopped from walking as did Sarah. "What is wrong?"

"I just want to make it clear that i am not here to make friends or anything like that. Your job is to show me around and that is it. You do not need to know anything about me apart from my name. So please stop with all the fucking questions." I snapped. I may have been a bit too harsh but i couldn't give a fuck. I am that type of person to tell it straight and i never sugar coat things.

"Oh um okay." Sarah sighed and carried on walking in which i followed. The rest of the way was completely silence which i loved. We stopped infront of a yellow door and Sarah said "Here we are." Sarah opened to the door and walked in but holding the door open for me.

"Hello sir. Sorry i am late but we have a new girl and i have been asked to show her around." I herd Sarah say to the tacher as i looked around the classroom. Everyone was staring at me. In this class you had all types of people like nerds, populars, emos, 'cool kids', preppy girls and the athletics.

"So you must be the new girl. Well i will be your maths teacher and my name is Mr Abbingdon." Sir smiled.

"Okay." I said emotionlessly.

"Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Sir asked infront of everyone.

"No." I replied which made everyone laugh.

"um okay how about you sit at the back of the class inbetween James and Ben." Sir sighed and pointed toward to boys. I sighed and made my way over to them. On my way over to my seat everyone was staring at me. I could see Sarah tellimg her friends about me. As she was talking and her friends were staring at me. I got to my seat and sat down. I grabbed a pen out of my bag and shoved my bag to the floor.

"Nice shirt." A boy with brown long hair said to me. He also had expanders in his ears. He was quite cute actually.

"Thanks." I shrugged and started to pay attention to the class.

"You don't talk much do you?" The boy to my right chuckled. He had shaggy brown hair and spider bites just like mine but he had them on the opposite side to mine.

"Nope" I said while popping the p. After that i think they had given up with trying to talk to me so i just got on with the lesson until i herd a girl shriek from infront of me "SHE HAS A TATTOO!" The preppy girl fucking annoyed me. She was staring at my hand and gawking at it.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY!" i shrieked back making everyone laugh including the boys next to me. She scoffed at me and turned around. Well that was fucking weird.

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