Chapter 15

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Today is the nine month mark I have been pregnant. James and I told the rest of the band at the three month mark and told the rest of the world at the four month mark. Everyone seemed to be happy except for a couple of stupid fucking fan girls but I don't give a fuck. It's their problem not mine.

"Babe are you feeling okay? Are you in pain? Are you sick? Do you need to go to the hospital?" James asked quite nervously as we were layed in bed. It was like 2pm and we couldn't be arsed to move.

"Look babe I'm fine calm down. In most pregnancys the baby doesn't come on the due date it is either before or after. Give it a week or something." I chuckled. God he is so sweet.

"Okay sorry babe its justt I'm so excited for our little girl." James smiled. Oh yes and we found out we were having a girl. Me and James, when we found out it was a girl, decided on the name Alessandra Violet Cassells. We even got that name tattooed on our left shoulder.

"It's okay babe so am I." I grinned but in reality I wasn't excited. I was petrified. "Did you pack a hospital bag for us?" I asked.

"Yeah babe I left it by the front door just incase." James smiled.

"Okay well we best get out of bed and make some food because me and little miss Cassells are hungry as fuck." I grinned and sat up from our really comfortable position and waddled down the stairs with James infront of me just incase I fall. When we had got to the kitchen James began to make some bacon and eggs which were my faves at the moment. I think our baby girl will not be a vegan or vegetarian. I've been eating meat this whole pregnancy like a fucking trooper.

James had set down a plate of food infront of me. I smiled and leaned over to kitchen table and kissed his cheek. All of a sudden I felt like I had wet myself. I looked down to see it was water. SHIT! Just then i felt a sharp pain reach into my stomach. I screamed at the top of my lungs and James looked at me in horror.

"I'm going into fucking labor!" I screamed.

"Shit!" James said and walked over to me and helped me up but before I did I grabbed a bit of bacon because I was fucking hungry causing James to laugh. The way to the hospital was all a blur. All I can remember is James ringing his band and Myca telling them to get down to the hospital immediately. The next thing I remember is being carried into the hospital and into a delivery room.

"Hello Miss Wakely you are 10 cm dilated and ready to push." The mid wife said and began to instruct me. I held James's hand tightly as the sharp pains were getting worse. If you want to know what it feels like I'll let you know. Boys when you get kicked in the nuts and feel that pain go up inside of you. Well it's like that but happening a thousand times at once and not stopping for a few good hours. Girls ever have really bad period cramps? Well it's like that but you are having a thousand of them at once and there is no way to relieve it.

"Push!" The nurse and James were screaming at me. At this point i was crying and sweating like a motherfucker. I screamed in agony and pushed the hardest as i could when i herd a little baby crying. I laughed and cried in joy. James walked over to our little baby girl and cit the cord. I was now crying tears of joy and that's when I realised I'm a mum. What. No. I can't be. No. I'm a mother? Fuck. What if I'm a terrible mum. What if she hates me?

The nurses cleaned her up and handed her to me. I started crying again but everyone thought it was tears of joy but really it was tears of being terrified. As i held my little girl in my arms I stared down at her.

"She looks just like you honey." James smiled into my ear.

"I think she looks like you. " I fake smiled. I dont want her to look like me. I dont know why I just dont.

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