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*let me know if there is something that you guys don't understand about the story*

Min Ho POV

I need to go to work. I told the maid to keep an eye on Y/n. It's the third day she's not awake.

Namjoon said the drug effect is 4 days. Tomorrow is the 4th day. Hope she wakes up tomorrow.

I miss her smile, her whine, the way she eats ice-cream. *sighs*

Before I went to work I went to check on her. Then I heard she mumbles something in her sleep.

I went nearer to her and sit on the bed next to her. Listening carefully to her.

Y/n:*sobs* Min Ho oppa *sniffs* I wanna g-go h-h-home. H-he is h-here. I m-miss him*coughs*. Please... I d-don't w-want t-t-to r-remem-ber h-him. *sobs harder*

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I'm sorry Y/n... I'm a bad brother. A bad son...

I can't take care of my family. I'm useless... but, I have to stay strong for you, mom and dad.

I smiled and hugged her unconscius body. She just sobbed.

Y/n:Min Ho... h-help m-me, h-h-he is here. H-he is r-real. *sobs*

I hugged her tighter than before.

Min Ho:Shhhh... I'm here princess. Don't worry, he is real and I'll make sure you both will be happy together.

After comforting her, I went to the university. Life as a lecturer is not that easy though.

Too many assignments for me to check. But the paynent is still worth it.

But my parents still support me and Y/n. They told me to save my payment for the future.

I think the future has come...

My parents are in coma. They run a business that I have zero acknowledge about.

Y/n is the one who is replacing them. Now that they aren't here, I have to support them.

Hwaiting Min Ho!

Suga POV

I was bored to death, ugh! I was literally bored. Nothing to do. My work is done hours ago.

Hmmmm... what to do?

*ting* (imagine a lightbulb)

I got an idea. Let's go out with Min Ho hyung. Okay, let's text him.

Min Ho hyung

Hey hyung!

Do you want me to treat
you lunch?


Sure you can!



At xxxx restaurant.

Okay, see you at lunch!

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