Rules and Steps

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Not sure if you want to read that book or you just finished one and do not know what to read next? Want to know what people may think of your book? You've absolutely come to the right place!

But first a few rules

- Before you request, follow TYWI on Instagram @theyoungwritersinitiative and here on Wattpad @tywritersinitiative

-Vote on at least two parts in this shop

-Your book has to be completed

- fill the form requesting a review for your own book or one you are thinking of reading and the review will be up as soon as possible

- Do not message us multiple times asking for your review. We see your request and are probably working on it. Book reviews may take a long time as they are for a whole book so please remain patient.

-If you want a review for a published book that is not on wattpad, please make your request on the website at where there is a form for non-wattpad books

- An author can request for a review to be taken down if they are not satisfied with it.

-If you get a review you are not satisfied with, please refrain from taking it personally and use it as constructive criticism to help you improve. Check out our editing and beta reading services up on our website to help you create the best version of your writing at

The form

1. Book title

2. Author

3. Genre

4. Short description of the book

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