11. Taboo prince

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Singto can hear voices, they seem from faraway,like miles away..faint, muffled , undecipherable..but the visions he watches are vivid,filled with explicit details..

He is pointing his wand at his friends and at his own comrades, blasting them away,then at Karn almost hitting him square on the chest by a killing churse ,breaking Karn's wand and then atlast the most painful part of his nighmare occurs..

He is dueling krist.., Singto writhes and screams "noooo, I am not going to kill him ", when in the nighmare he points his wand at the younger, and about to utter the curse of no return, the wretched curse of fiere',

Singto's own body burns without fire, like burning alive from inside out, his mind, his soul scalding with the same curse he almost uttered, as he keeps on chanting in his mind, trying to hold onto miniscule of sanity..

"it's just a nighmare and it will disappear with this fitful slumber, it will disappear with me waking up"

but he never really wakes up, and it continues like an unending movie getting played again and again, peppered with krist's torture scenes at the dungeon . He, thus, had been crying and screaming again and again.. torturing himself and his loved ones who can only helplessly watch his ordeal!

Tears falling freely behind his closed eyes, unable to break the spell, unable to wake up, though he fights all barriers of his mind, tooth and nail to do so.

But today, suddenly the voices have become more clearer for Singto, he even can feel the warmth of the sun touching his face, seeping through the huge open windows , though his eyes still feels taped shut,unable to open..

..he can hear two distinct voices, two men who are speaking to each other, worriedly..he soon recognises the voices and the men..phi Karn and his dad, King Pratik

" Why is he still not getting up, Por? Potion master Zayed told, antidote will surely act. And He will  get up today, after Thanawit's execution. That the spell of slavery should break with the Masters death!"

Singto can understand Karn is talking , but his words sounds broken,pained.

It's not easy for Karn to see his younger brother in agonizing pain for last seven days, as trial of Thanawit dragged on and on. The stupid old council members, wrapped in their age old twisted logic , kept on debating over the fate of the dark wizard, the unofficial ruler of dark realm and holding powers over the dark disgusting creatures of night and forbidden magic since Rangsit Thanawit refused to take up his position in the council or the as the acting ruler of the dark underworld. Most of the dark wizards are captured or dead but not the creatures of the night, nor the women and children of the realm.

So, Singto never could recover from his slave potioned sleep topped with the spell of oblivion,courtesy of wizard Rangsit Thanawit, krist's father.

He thus,kept on having that day's memories of himself as a persistent spiralling dark memories of nightmare.

Sometimes he started even self harming himself when he would get the visions of the dungeon where krist was tortured,. molested and his own pleas fell on deaf ears of those monsters.

Those were the time, Karn or his father had to curse Singto themselves, by body binding curse . His mom, the queen couldn't even face her son, he may not be her flesh and blood but he is  her precious younger baby. She raised him with no discrimination, she couldn't bear the pain the younger was suffering in the aftermath of the bloody war..

Unknowingly, to Singto, krist visited his bed side when his own trial was not going on and kept on muttering soothing spells and those were the only times Singto slept, lulled into dreamless serenity. Krist was also the one explaining to Karn and his dad what exactly Singto is experiencing, which was corroborated by the potion master, treating Singto.

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