july 13

94 5 3

Chloé's PoV

I knotted the end of the last balloon I had blown up and let it fall down on the floor. I felt like being in an ocean of colourful balloons and other party stuff. It was 4'a clock and Kyle just went to get us some pizza. I went to the spare room and took a box I hid between my clothes. It was filled with lots of liquor for the party tonight. I picked it up and breathed out heavily. This box was so heavy. I stumbled into the kitchen and set it on the table. I heard the door open.
"Kyle?" I shouted.
"Yeah?" I heard Kyle's voice.
"Oh nothing, I was just scared that it was Dan."
"Nope, I'm Kyle" He said giggling as he walked into the kitchen.
"I know, now give me my food" I said and took the pizza out of his hands.
"Heyy!" He shouted and came after me. I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me. After we had eaten Kyle took my hand.
"You know Chloé.. I really enjoyed the time we spent together." He said.
"I did, too." I said and he looked in my eyes. I got chills over my whole body. He moved his face closer to mine and I could feel his breath on my skin. He was so close our noses nearly touched. He looked at my lips, my eyes, my lips, my eyes. When he came a little closer I got a weird feeling in my stomach. 'Is he going to kiss me?' I thought. He closed his eyes, and I did, too. Suddenly the doorbell rang and he jumped up.
"That uhm.. must be Will and Woody." He said.
"Uhh.. Yeah." I felt my cheeks turning red and he went to open the door.

About two hours later there were lots of people in Dan's flat. It was quite exiting to meet all these people, but also kinda weird. They all now each other since years and then there's me not knowing anyone. I got a text from Dan.

"I'm coming now, do you mind Celin coming? x"

"Of course not x" I texted back.

Ten minutes later we heard a key turning in the front door. I put the lights off in the living room.
"Daaaan?" I shouted.
"Yeah?" I heard his voice from the hallway.
"Where are you?" He added.
I saw the shape of his tall figure in the doorframe.
"Why the hell are the lights.." He said but I put the lights on.
"SURPRISEEEEE" Everyone shouted. Dan's mouth fell open and he looked at us confused. There was a weird silence, untill he said:
"I have the best friends on earth"
"LET THE PARTY BEGIN" Ralph shouted and turned the music on.

Kyle's PoV

After a few hours of dancing and drinking, Chloé showed up in front of me. She seemed to be kinda tipsy.
"Let's have some shots!" She shouted over the music and dragged me into the kitchen. She had a stack of mini glasses (hope you know what I mean) and a bottle of vodka. She filled 16 glasses.
"Okay, we both start on one side and drink. We follow the line and then we'll meet somewhere. Who drunk more will win." She said.
"Uhm, okay." I said and picked up the first glass. She did that too.
I picked up the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth.. But when I wanted to pick up the sixt one, I saw it was empty.
"Holy fuck Chloé" I said and she giggled.
"LET'S DANCE!" She said and dragged me back to the living room.
I held her in my arms because she barely could stand on her feet.
"I feel sick." She said after a few minutes of weird dancing.
"Let's go outside." I said and grabbed a bottle of water. We went outside the front door and took the stairs to the roof. There was a couch where we sat down.
After a few minutes of silence Chloé started giggling.
"What?" I said
"You have hair in your face" She said laughing. She began to mess with my facial hair.
"Does it hurt in my face when I koss you?" She asked, still laughing.
"Uhm, I actually don't know because I never kissed myself." I said and she laughed even more.
"I want to try it" She said and before I could say anything, she pressed her soft, dark red lips on mine. She put her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist. She started pulling me closer and I felt her toung on my lip. I let her in and our toungs were fighting. I got away from her mouth and placed kisses on her neck.
"Let's go to my room" She whispered in my ear. She grabbed my hand and started to walk, still kissing me. We stumbled down the stairs and into Dan's appartment. I guess everybody knows what we're doing now, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares. She dragged me into her room and I pressed her against the door. I kissed her lips, neck, cheek. The movement of her hips making me moan. She pulled my shirt over my head and dragged me to her bed.


I woke up because I felt something moving next to me.
'Fuck' I thought. 'Please don't wake up'. I made sure Chloé was still asleep and got out of her bed. I put my boxers and shirt on. I found one of her shirts and pulled it over her head, which was kinda weird. But I didn't want Chloé to know what happened last night. I grabbed my stuff and sneaked out of her room. I really hoped Dan was still asleep. I came into the kitchen and saw.. Dan sleeping on the table. Ahum. I went to take a shower. When I got out, I saw Dan was awake.
"Good morning" He said.
"Happy birthday, dude" I said and gave him a hug.
"Thank you. I guess you had fun yesterday, mhh?"
"Uhh, what are you talking about?" I felt my cheeks turning red.
"Little Kylie is now finally a men" He said and smirked.
"Uhh. Whatever." I said and walked away to grab some water.
"Soo.. Are you two a thing?"
"Uhh. No"
"But you like her."
"You love her?"
"I don't love her. I never did." I said and sat down on the couch. I heard Dan clearing his throat and turned around. And then I saw Chloé walking away, slamming her door shut.



new city, new chances. (Bastille/Dan Smith/Kyle Simmons/ Will Farquarson/ Chris Wood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now