Part 2

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Eric's Pov:

I walked through the doors and headed straight to class. I pasted a smile on and went through the motions but it was like the lights were on but no body was home. Before I knew it I was meeting up with John, Daniel and Kourtney and walking into second period.

Mr Becker was seated at his desk typing away at his computer as we made it to our seats. Kourtney sat down on my desk and swung her legs back and forth.

"Sooooo where the crap did you disappear to yesterday and what was up with the fight?" She asked looking at John and laughing at his bruised face.

He flipped her off and threw his arm around my shoulder. "We're in love and we couldn't fight the feelings anymore. That much passion had to come out some way and my boy here is into tha freaky shit. BDSM all the way, right sexy!" He cooed.

I pushed him off and Kourtney laughed. "Mhhhmm cause you boys aren't sluts that bang anything in a skirt." She retorted sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "Nahh that's all that pervert over there. I'm as pure as the snow." I batted my lashes and gave an innocent grin.

John snorted and shot a look at Samantha who was across the room. "Yeah cause you soo never hit that and then complained that she was sooooo loose you coulda walked threw that Va JJ! I personally think its cause your dick's ti-"

"Mr White please have a seat and refrain from talking about other boy's genitalia and Kourtney please sit somewhere other then on Mr Stevens' table top." Mr Becker called from a few seats away where he was helping some girl.

She smirked and dropped onto my lap. "Better sir?" She purred as she wrapped her arms around me.

I rolled my eyes and John wagged his brows.

"KT how bout you get even more comfy and drop it down on my lap. If you feel something going up don't worry it's just my elevator. You can ride it all the way to heaven baby. In fact I'm pretty sure you'll scream OH GOD when you cum... there." He busted out laughing but stopped short when Mr Becker slammed his hand down on my desk top.

"Kourtney in your desk now! And John not another inappropriate word out of you or I'll send you to the Dean and believe me, her punishments have gotten pretty creative this year."

I nodded in agreement. "For real dude you do not wanna screw up again so soon." I agreed

Mr Becker smirked and walked back to the front. His lesson started and I tuned out and discretely played angry birds on my phone to keep myself from staring at his nicely rounded yet seemingly firm bottom.

The bell rang and I got up to leave before I remembered that I had to stay. I dropped back down into my seat with an irritated sigh.

Kourtney kissed my forehead and giggled cause I pouted and John popped me on the head.

"See ya at lunch homo" he whispered.

I snorted. "Hypocrite! At least I'm not so far in the fucking closet I'm spouting homo rants five minutes after taking it up the ass." I hissed back.

He laughed and nodded. "True... well close...I'm a giver not a taker." He walked off laughing.

I leaned back in my seat as the freshies filed in. A girl walked up and stood by me blushing. Fml girls are so lame.

I quirked an eyebrow at her. "Can I help you?" I drawled arrogently.

She giggled. "You're Eric Stevens."

I rolled my eyes. "And?"

"You're like sooo much hotter up close." She giggled again and I did my trademark smirk.

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