Part 25

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Eric's Pov:

I sat down at the table and rolled my eyes when KT started singing "Bow chicka wow wow."

"Oh for fucks sakes it's been a month when the hell are you gonna get over it already?" I groaned

"Dude chill she was just playing. You've been pissy for weeks, what's crawled up your ass?" Daniel asked patting my back.

John laughed and popped Daniel on the back of the head, "Steven has!" He teased.

I reached over and punched his arm smirking at the hiss of pain he made. "Don't hate just cause he's mine and all you got to do was smack his ass."

"Oh fuck yeah when did this happen? How the hell didn't I know about this?" KT shouted.

"New year's eve on his way out he decided to spank Steven."

"Oh my fucking hell you lucky bastard! Was his ass as firm and smooth as it looked? Ughh why wouldn't you guys let me take one little bitty picture?"

"KT you can take all the pictures you want. Of you and me. Not other couples." Daniel drawled pulling her onto his lap.

She pouted. "What's the fun in that? I'm already there when we're fucking. I want pictures of my gay boyfriend getting it on with his not at all straight boyfriend." She giggled. "Remember when you were so sure he was straight and you were in LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE with him and all sad?"

"What love? Who said any thing about love? I didn't because I mean why would I. It's not like I love him or anything right? Exactly so why are we even talking about me loving him because I don't, ya know love him. I just- hey look is that the Dean over there? Oh no that's just Janet. Hey have you heard that Janet and her boyfriend broke up because they did just this morning cause he wasn't in love with her anymore just like I don't love Steven and he obviously doesn't love me. Nope there is sooo not any love going on here."

"Oh my fuck! You totally just outed yourself! When the hell did all this shit happen?" John asked.

I glared down at the table and shrugged. "What are you talking about, I've been out for months now."

"OMG YOU TOTALLY FUCKING LOVE HIS SEXY ASS! AHHHHH!!!!" KT screamed. She jumped off of Daniel's lap and started fist pumping and jumping around.

"I soooo fucking knew it! You love him and wanna marry him and have his babies and join his kinky club and fuck 365 days a year for the next thousand years! Fuck I love being right! Just like you loveeeeeeeee Steven!!!" She screamed dancing around gaining the entire cafeteria's attention.

"Someone shut her the fuck up!" I hissed.

Daniel jumped up and kissed her quiet. John grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cafeteria and to the court yard.

We sat down on the bench and he pulled me into a hug. "Come on bro, spill. Is this why you've been an asshole anytime we tease you about him?"

I shrugged. "Dude I don't mean to be but I've known for a while how I feel and it just keeps getting harder and harder to keep that to myself. Seriously, now that I know I love him I can physically feel those damn words trying to jump out of my mouth. You have no idea how many times I've had to literally bite my damn tongue to keep from saying it."

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel then. Why keep trying to hide it if it's driving you this crazy?"

I shrugged and moved away from our hug, my head hung down staring at the ground.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned close to my ear.

"Don't even tell me it's because you're worried he doesn't feel the same way? That man cares about you just as much as you do him. Hell he's practically moved you in with him, he cut his trip in Pair fucking France short to come spend New Year's eve with you."

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