Part 16

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Eric's Pov:

An unnaturally loud shrill beeping woke me from the best wet dream I've ever had. I was dreaming that Steven and I actually got together and had amazing totally mind blowing sex. I buried my head under the pillow and tried to get back to my extremely hot fantasy.

"Eric, get up. We've got to get to school." A muffled voice mumbled against my back right before he snatched the pillow off my head and laughed.

My eye shot open wide and I looked over to see Steven. OH SHIT!! OH hell yeah! It wasn't a dream.

He leaned forward to kiss me but I backed away. He lost his smile and sat up. "Second thoughts?" He asked quietly.

I rolled my eyes and slapped him with my pillow. "No stupid, I just think we should brush before we stick our tongues down each others mouth."

He smiled and tackled me flat on my back and sealed his lips to mine. In seconds I forgot about morning breath or anything other then what his lips were doing to mine. When I slid my tongue out to tease his he backed up and grinned. "You're right, we need to brush our teeth."

I rolled my eyes but got up. "See ya in class." I muttered grabbing a pair of his jersey shorts and a wife beater to go down to my apartment and get ready.

"You could always shower here." He mumbled against the back of my neck. I snorted and lightly elbowed him.

"Then neither of us would get to school on time. So I'm gonna bounce and you can enjoy a cold shower all by your lonesome."

He pulled me back to him and kissed me. "See you in class. Don't be late I'd hate to have to give you detention." He muttered against my lips.

"MMmm that could be fun. A little naughty school boy action in your office." I laughed at his hot look and sauntered out.


Steven had caught me out in the hall while I waited for the elevator to go home and get ready and spent the next several minutes kissing me thoroughly breathless and leaving me weak kneed. By the time our make out session was over we were running late.

I literally ran into my loft, sprinted into the shower and threw on the first things I grabbed out of my closet. A graphic tee and distressed jeans. I had to skip breakfast and ran out with 15 minutes to get to school before the first bell rang.

I'd made it to fist period right as the tardy bell rang. I'd sat down and waited for the time to crawl by so I could see Steven again.

John and Kourtney caught me right before we walked into second period. John slapped my ass and grinned. "Bout fuckin time!" He yelled in my ear.

KT jumped into my arms and kissed my forehead. "I'd kiss your sexy lips but I have no idea where they've been this morning!" She teased making a fist and jerking it back and forth towards her mouth mimicking a blow job.

I rolled my eyes and set her down. "Don't know what y'all are talking about." I shot back as I stepped through Steven's doorway.

Steven looked up from his desk and I had just enough time to catch his smile before I was yanked back and found myself being towed to.. I looked up and snorted.

"The girls bathroom really?" I drawled unable to keep the humor out of my voice.

John smirked while KT pushed all the stall doors open until the last one which happened to be occupied. She knocked then pounded on the stall door.

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