Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Altered Plans

The Eurostar is so boring compared to a plane journey.. It's longer for one, it smells of sweat and fast food, and I feel so cramped.

"Ariella, are you ok?" Beau asks, genuinely concerned.

I shake my head, "I feel sick. I get travel sickness." I mumble through closed lips in hope of not up chucking.

"Bathroom?" He asks.

I nod, and Beau helps me up, leading me over to the small toilet cubicle.

I force myself into the small space, and lock the door behind me, throwing myself to my knees over the vile smelling toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach.

My head is spinning, and on top of my unbearable nausea, I have all these worries and questions buzzing through my skull.

Why is Beau running?

What did he do that was so bad?

Why did he chose me?

Why am I so attracted to this escaped convict?

Why can't I feel frightened of him?


"Ariella? Are you ok?" Beau calls.

"Yeah.." After flushing the toilet, and splashing cool water on my face, and rinsing my mouth out I remove myself from the cubicle.

Beau leads me back to our seats and carefully sits me back down.

Our journey is long, boring and stomach turning; Beau just sits there silently beside me, only asking if I'm ok once every so often.

Why does he care?

Why am I happy that he cares?

Why does it give me butterflies in my tummy when he speaks to me with such care and affection?

Damn the fugitive!

Damn his sexy charm!

Arriving in Paris, we are the first off with my suitcase.

I hail a taxi and speak to the driver,

"pouvez-vous nous emmener à la Bastille pavillon?"

Beau looks at me in shock as I speak fluently in another language, I just smirk.

The taxi driver nods and takes the short trip to the hotel.

Arriving, I pay the driver and Beau grabs my suitcase for me..

An escaped convict with gentlemanly manners?

After checking in to my room, we head upstairs.. I'm a little nervous, worried, apprehensive about the fact that I've got a room with only a double bed.

I hope there's a sofa or something.

I unlock the door with shaky hands and push it open.

In one shocking, unexpected move, I am on the plush cushioned, silk covered double bed.

I gasp in shock, my eyes pop open and I stare up at Beau who is hovering over me with a darkening lustful gaze on his sexy face.

"I haven't been this close to a woman in 6 goddamn years! Don't deprive me please?!" He breathes.

I swallow hard, but can't bring myself to move or talk.

Should I do this?

He's giving me the decision!

That's nicer than what I was expecting.

Oh god.. It's been months..

I feel my self control slipping away.

"Ok." The words tumble out of my mouth before I have chance to reign them back in.

Beau growls hungrily, before crushing his lips to mine.

Soft and warm, a sweet nectar blossoming into my mouth as Beau's tongue plunges in, entwining with mine.

My hands snake up and knot themselves in Beau's sexy hair, as my legs ease up and encase his body against me tightly.

A low sexy groan leaves Beau's lips and his kiss becomes one of need and aching lust.

Hard and intense, tongues fighting for control; I fight well but Beau wins overall, forcing me into submission.

Fuck, he's so hot!

So capable!

Right now, in this moment I don't care he'a a fugitive, I only care about this burning ache for him in the pit of my stomach; I want it go away.

It's almost painful.

As our lips part, leaving us breathless, Beau continues to kiss me, over my jaw and down to my throat.

"Fuck me." I almost beg.

Beau chuckles and grabs my hips roughly, "oh god to feel a woman again.. You are a goddess Ariella. Let me touch you. Let me pleasure you. I want to see you fall apart under my touch. Let me be with you. Now!" He groans, running his hands down my pencil skirt to my calves.

"Have me." Rolling my eyes back into my head, I give in to the pleasure he's causing.

"Oh thank you." Beau breathes and slips his hands beneath the hem of my skirt, sensually massaging my thighs.

"Undress me." I order; I've never been one to control the bedroom action, but right now he's being too slow and a tease. I want him to touch me.

My eyes are closed, but I can feel as Beau removes his hands from my thighs and glides them up to my tight fitting shirt, popping the buttons teasingly slow, revealing my sensitive breasts, covered by my favourite black corset bra.

Thank god I'm dressed well!

"Oh yes Ariella! You are mouthwatering. Let me taste you."

Arching my back, I give him my answer.

Beau grins and sits me up, pulling my shirt off roughly, before grabbing my skirt, and yanking the zip down impatiently.

Shifting on the bed, Beau grabs the hem of my skirt and pulls it straight off.

So here I am; laid on a bed with a man I hardly know, in my underwear, a pair of stockings and a pair of stiletto black heels.

I look like a common whore!

"Oh wow.. This is your last chance to back out Ariella. Once I start, I won't be able to stop." Beau warns.

I swallow hard and shake my head; I couldn't stop this even if I wanted to.

"Clothes off. Now." I breathe through an exceptionally dry throat.

"With pleasure." Is his reply.

I lean up on my elbows and watch.. More like perve as I was Beau strip from his clothes.

Removing his t shirt, he presents me with his mouth watering, well defined chest and stomach; not over the top like these fitness freaks, just right!

Slowly, achingly slowly, he pops the button of his blue jail trousers, and teases down the zip.

My jaw drops when I come face to face with a commando lower half.. Giving me a wonderful view of his well endowed length.

"See something you like Miss..?"

"Virginia." I whisper.

Beau grins, "Ariella Virginia?"

I nod; to both questions.

"ANow," I whisper, "show me this pleasure you've been begging to give me."

Beau grins, and winks, "oh with pleasure!"

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