Pride and Kindness {Fullmetal Alchemist, Sequel to Pride}

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Prideful heart


If hou haven't read Pride, I think you should, you don't have to though.

You may be generally confused at first, but you can figure everything out yourself, I may add little explanations. But you may not be that confused. Depends


Greed drummed his fingers on the couch. He let Envy escape...again. He growled, he hated his 'Older sibling' always getting in his way.

What Envy didn't know yet, was Greed always got his way, and that he will come on top of Envy. Show him whose better. It didn't matter how many city's he had to conquer, all he need was to have Envy's blonde chibi in his lap.

That's the real revenge. Greed could already imagine the sorrow on his face. He will get revenge on his sibling. No matter what happens.


Short Prolouge. I know, but next chapter is long.

Pride and Kindness {Fullmetal Alchemist, Sequel to Pride}Where stories live. Discover now