Chapter 11

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Ahh Winry.

Pride and Kindness 11

"Leave me alone," Edward said, burying his face in his arms. I walked around him, and poked him again.

"Ed!" I said, His hand flew towards my face and I dodged it.

"Go away Pride,"

"Edward!" I said, I finally smashed my fist down on his head, he immeadeatly bolted up, glareing at me.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" He screamed, I sighed.

"The human girl....Winry I believe is at the door," I said, "What do we do?" I asked, he gave me a dumbstruck look.

"Let her in?" He said, I rolled my eyes.

"Edward, Winry doesn't know that the Homunculi live with you....along with the fact Alphonse is a homunculus," I said, I remember her attending the funeral, but not much else. I lost half my memory from when I was first born, which sucked. The entire 5 months of my life is blank. I don't even remember when Ed and I separated anymore.

"CRAP!" He yelled, and bit his lip, "How did I keep that secret for the last 3 years?"

"By becomming a recluse and only talking to Homunculi?" I

Said, Ed glared momentarily.

"PRIDE!" Wrath bolted up, his eyes were wide, and he looked to Ed, "WHAT DO I DO!"

Ed groaned, "Everyone hide in the basement and I'll take care of her!" He said, Wrath and I left, and rounded up all the Homunculi.


"Can you hear anything?" Lust whispered, I shook my head no.

"Its all muffled, God, this basement is huge!" I said.

"It leads to underground central," Envy said, "But the actual basement is larger than the house," He held a torch, since there was no lights.

"Why is it so big?" I asked.

"Ask Envy, he was around when it was built," Lust said, Envy smirked.

"Well, This Basement WAS a actual house," I noticed a hesitation in his voice, "But it was built on a hill, above old Central, so when old central went underground, Dante just added on a mansion to this place," Envy explained. I nodded, and grabbed a lit torch from the wall.

"Wanna go explore?" I asked him, he nodded, and took my hand. Leading me through the hallways.

"Why don't we go to old central?" I asked him, he shook his head no.

"Too risky Pride, sorry," He said, I cocked my head to the side.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Pride, you do relize a homunculus can only die around the place they were created? And that old central was were we created you?" He asked, I made a quiet 'oh' sound, and continued along the pathway.

I was vunerable in old central then, if I'm at the place I was born, I can't regenerate, and my abilities become practically useless.

Envy opened a door, and led me in, it was a small, plain room.

"This is my room," He said, "When I was human," he pulled me close to him, I could hear his heartbeat.

"Neat," I said, I noticed the letters engraved on the door.




Pride and Kindness {Fullmetal Alchemist, Sequel to Pride}Where stories live. Discover now