Chapter 3 - Preparations

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.


The Mikaelson's had arrived back in New Orleans a day ago and everything was chaos. It was supposed to be a holiday about Christmas cheer but everyone seemed to be panicking about one thing or another.

It had been decided that everyone would be opening presents at the Mikaelson's mansion. A pile of presents had already found itself under the tree. One of the main arguments in the house was about Kol.

"KOLLLLLLLLLLL! I'M GOING TO BLOODY DAGGER YOU!" Rebekah screamed from the sitting room. She was adding a present to the pile when she noticed everything had been moved. Not only that but she had found ripped wrapping paper on the floor.

Smashing of vases and furniture could be heard around the house and not long after that Kol was heard yelling in pain. When Klaus went to see the cause of the problem he soon saw what had happened.

Having heightened senses, he was able to smell chocolate and blood amongst the presents, it also lingered on the shreds of wrapping paper on the floor. Kol being Kol had taken it upon himself to eat the present leaving someone without a gift.

Soon the yelling had moved towards him and Kol had found himself against a wall with a hand wrapped around his throat. "Do you have no self control?!" Klaus hollered to his younger brother.

"It didn't have a name on it, and really...who gives blood as a present in a house full of vampires. It was just asking to be taken." Kol's current position didn't faze him. There was no dagger to temporarily kill him, and he didn't need air to breath. He shrugged his shoulders and then the hand let go of his neck.

"Replace it Kol! I mean it! Otherwise the Bennett witch you so dearly care for will be missing a certain original for a few years!" Klaus's voice bellowed through the room, but amazingly enough no one flinched. Kol huffed and resigned himself to agreeing.

The front door opened and a few seconds after Elijah walked in. "What did I miss?" Though when he asked that Elijah had taken the time to look around at the mess. Ornaments broken on the floor, furniture broken in half and ripped pieces of paper on the floor.

Without looking at anyone he just walked away, ridding himself of the headache and briefly saying "Nevermind"


"Matt! Are you here?" Elena shouted from the door way. She had received a cryptic call saying that he needed her help with something. She had gone over straight away.

"Lena! Back here!" Matt's voice sounded from the garden. As Elena got closer it dawned on her what was going on.

"What's going on Matt?" Elena asked softly as she watched Matt sort out his gift for Rebekah. The pair had started dating not long after everyone else. Though they had a head start, almost picking up where they left off from the trip they shared. He had found an apartment to rent while he stayed nearby in New Orleans. He didn't feel comfortable living with the Originals.

"I need you to help me hide Rebekah's present. She's been looking around my place for her present and it was lucky that I hadn't bought it until today. Can you find a place to hide it?" Matt gave a pleading look and Elena couldn't resist his sad face.

"Fine" Elena drawled out but then considered another option. "I'll leave it with Jeremy, his house is out of bounds. Whereas mine...well...Rebekah has no problem dropping by, it wouldn't stop her from finding that" Elena nodded towards the present. Matt agreed and then they talked some more before Elena had to leave.

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