Revenge III

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After a day had passed our silver haired hero in training has been hanging out with those who believed in him and he also learned of something


As she hugs him in her boobs like always

Izuku:mmm "hi midnight what's up"

Midnight:oh nothing just wanted to cone see you~

Izuku:mmm "ok I'm glad you did"

He pinches her butt

Midnight:eep izu you naughty boy

Izuku:mmm mm "can you blame me when you have my face in your boobs"

Midnight:true true well see you later

As she lets go


As it came time for heroics class our silver haired hero in training comes out in his new costume

As it came time for heroics class our silver haired hero in training comes out in his new costume

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Izuku:sorry if I'm late

As the class turns around and looks at him

Kirishima:woah midoribro you sure look manly in that costume

Denki:i love the pattern it's perfect

Izuku:thanks guys

Aizawa:alright class today we're visiting the usj


As they head in they're met with the villains

Shigaraki:now is our chance to kill all might

Aizawa:these guys agai-

As izuku runs out and lands in front of them


Shigaraki:i thought we got rid of you no matter nomu kill him

As the 5 nomu rush at him izuku forms out a scythe and slashes one on the nomu's head off

As the 5 nomu rush at him izuku forms out a scythe and slashes one on the nomu's head off

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And then he creates lances from forces of wind

And then he creates lances from forces of wind

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