New Generation XV

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(This is a gift as thanks to all of you who read my stories and leave such nice comments and liking every bit of work i do i feel like i could do better though thank you and enjoy)

After the birth of naminé midoriya her life would come to be one of amazement and for her parents a hard time for them when she was first brought home she was always looking at so many things she would stare and stare with intrigue for hours with each new thing she saw she would only gain a love for it but as she grew up from a newborn to a 2 year old she had shown a great fondness for colors no matter what color it was she would have an adventure with it one day when izuku was watch naminé when she was 5 they were at the park

Izuku:don't stray to far ok naminé

Naminé:ok dad

Izuku:that's good

Denki:hey i knew i saw that organization coat from somewhere

Izuku:denki? How've you been i haven't seen you in years where were you

Denki:i took kyoka and kiyoki on vacay for a while me and her needed it plus kiyoki really enjoyed seeing seeing all the new places too


Naminé:kiyo you're back

Kiyoki:yep I'm back baby

Naminé:that i didn't miss

Kiyoki:eheh alright so what're you doing

Naminé:looking at all the different colored things i find and put them in my notebook

Kiyoki:ok oh that reminds me i brought you a gift from when i was gone i have it in my bag it's rigght here you go

Naminé:a jar?

Kiyoki:it's orange paint


Kiyoki:yep it this substance you can put on paper or other stuff and you can draw shapes, people lots of stuff

As naminé looks at the jar with here eyes shining in amazement she stands and smiles at her friend

As naminé looks at the jar with here eyes shining in amazement she stands and smiles at her friend

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Naminé:thank you kiyoki

Kiyoki:no problem

Naminé:daddy daddy

Izuku:huh what's up naminé

Naminé:i wanna learn more about paint can i please get some painting stuff

Izuku:of course you can we can go right now before i gotta go for hero work you'll have eri and kota stop by to watch you while I'm gone

Naminé:yaay i love hanging out with ms eri and mr kota

Izuku:hehe that's good

And it was a week later when nemuri was home with her daughter that her powers were known as she had drawn a picture of a random pro hero and here view had given her the ability to see glowing words on the picture in which no one else could see she took her pencil and erased it after memorizing the words exactly as the pro hero on the TV had forgotten exactly what his quirk was and the face he even was a pro hero causing nemuri to question what had happened as she saw naminé quickly scribble something back as the pro had gained knowledge back and apologized

Nemuri:nami what was that

Naminé:i don't know mommy

Nemuri:how about when your dad gets home we go and check your quirk out we forgot to schedule an appointment anyhow


And they did just that with the testing for her powers going with theories scribbling and erasing things drawing people and all that before she remembered she drew the person so she did just that and it was then solved her power was if she had drawn a person with even just a sketch she can alter said person's memories making them nothing but an empty shell as well as create items from the memories to which she named her quirk "Dream Alter" to which she had begun to train to go to U.A when she became 16 but she had a goal she wanted to ask her father which she did at dinner

Naminé:dad i have something to ask you

Izuku:what is it nami

Naminé:i wanna lear-

Nemuri:ah don't eat with a full mouth

Naminé:oh sorry mmm anyways i wanna learn how to wield a keyblade


Nemuri:nami a keyblade is a big responsibility something like that is like getting a key to the universe

Izuku:which is literally what it is

Naminé:i know i know but i can't always be able to alter a memory when others will come full force

Nemuri:she does have a good point besides you act like you didn't have a hard time getting your first keyblade

Izuku:touche alright nami we'll begin your training tomorrow


So her training began she was given a wooden sword to train with as she was trained in excellence for the 10 month training period she was trained for 7 months and she had finally earned her keyblade

So her training began she was given a wooden sword to train with as she was trained in excellence for the 10 month training period she was trained for 7 months and she had finally earned her keyblade

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Naminé:so this is my very own keyblade

Izuku:indeed it was one i was once able to wield but now it's yours take good care of it naminé

Naminé:i will

And as they hugged due to her first keyblade she would go on to fight villains under aizawa who saw another problem child in his student which reminded him of the very first problem child he had naminé went on to learn all she could even facing villains like the last class 1A did with the new class A being just as similar as the past they had made their costumes in their own spectacular ways with naminé taking a non organization approach

And as they hugged due to her first keyblade she would go on to fight villains under aizawa who saw another problem child in his student which reminded him of the very first problem child he had naminé went on to learn all she could even facing vi...

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They had their fair share of down and upbringings which lead to stronger connections between them all as this class had no betraying no belittling or anything just peace it was something everyone including heroes would need as this was a better generation this was the next generation....

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