Return II

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Izuku:What're You Doing Here........hi my night


As she hugs him

Midnight:my goodness you changed a lot

Midnight:my goodness you changed a lot

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(Izuku's new hair style

Izuku:hehe yeah i did

As midnight lets go of him nezu begins

Nezu:we're here to say you're accepted back to U.A as we realized it was a nomu with a transformation quirk

Izuku:and how do you know this

Nezu:we found it leaving your dorm luckily the heroes made quick work of it so welcome ba-

Izuku:fuck you

As they look in shock at izuku


Izuku:i said Fuck You you're the reason why i got locked up here telling my damn class some which i thought were friends of mine causing them to turn on me and attack me showing me that my used to be favorite hero is a fucking hypocrite locked me up in the worst prison imaginable and now here you are like a damn rodent crawling back to me asking ne to return to your school

As they stay shocked nezu finally gains the balls to continue his sentence

Nezu:w-well we understand our mistake in letting someone who worked so hard

Izuku:but yet as soon as someone is seen doing something they haven't done you just say "oh this person should be kicked to jail haha"

Nezu:we understand that we lost your trust in us but give the school a second chance in attempt to let you relive your dream at the progress you stopped at

As izuku stares down at nezu he takes a moment to think and his answer comes

Izuku:fine I'll come back but don't expect that cheery person you remember i am different now

Nezu:i understand

As they get onto the plane and fly back to U.A

Midnight:you're so cute izuku and are these muscles more refined

Izuku:yes they are

She just can't keep her hands off of him as the plane lands at U.A they get off and enter the dorms and when some members see him


As bakugo jumps at izuku to attack said silver haired person then calls his keyblade

As bakugo jumps at izuku to attack said silver haired person then calls his keyblade

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As bakuhoe freezes in time


Izuku:cuz of a magic spell of mine freezing you in time


As him and denki run over to him

Denki:you ok man was prison terrible

Izuku:just a few attacks here and there but I'm fine

Kirishima:i have to say that sword you have is really MANLY


Nezu:as you know that nomu was the fake izuku thus making our actions hasty

As the others minus bakugo look down in shame

Izuku:who believed in me whoever did come forward

As todoroki momo jiro shoji tokoyami koda mina aoyama and toru step forward

Izuku:thank you all for believing in me as for the rest of you

As he gives them a scary look like staring at death itself

Izuku:you all lost the rights to even know me

Ochako:but deku-

Izuku:I'm not deku anymore I'm changing my hero name from that garbage name from an idiot minecraft Pomeranian creeper


As izuku hits him with the flat side of the blade

Izuku:shut up now do i make myself clear

As the others nod in sadness for losing a friend

Izuku:now if you don't mind I'm gonna go to my dorm

As he gets to it he sees all the all might merch and gathers it up and puts in in a trash can when

AM:hey young midoriya

Izuku:what the fuck do you want

AM:i want to apologize for my actions towards you and making you suffer in prison so i shall return one for all to you so you may continue from 70%

As he plucks his hair with a smile and hands it to izuku


Izuku then throws it in the trash with his old stuff

Izuku:see this all might

AM:what're you do-


As he shoots a huge fireball into the can burning the hair and the merch

Izuku:that's what you and your shit quirk is to me now nothing but hot garbage that i have no need or desire for

As all might looks in shock

Izuku:as soon as you heard that your "perfect successor" was a traitor you didn't stand along side me but with Them and you said the words that i thought I'd never hear so you know what i hope you die and rot in the deepest pits of hell

As he leaves all might has realized that he not only lost his successor but someone who admired him throughout childhood

Back with izuku he had made his room far better than what it was filled with

Back with izuku he had made his room far better than what it was filled with

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And so he lays on his bed and rests for the next day to come

The Betrayed XIIIWhere stories live. Discover now