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'Yes?' Charlie opens his door 'What do you want?'.
'You going tomorrow?' Lily asks.
'Yeah,' Charlie opens back his door completely and gestures for Lily to come in.

His room is the same as everyone's, bare with a bed and a bathroom. He stands back against his wall as Lily sits at the end of his bed. He doesn't keep company for long, and he's never made Lily feel welcomed in his room, she doesn't think she's ever stayed more than ten minutes.

'What's going on now?' He rolls his eyes.
'We've so much people coming tomorrow, half of them haven't been up there once, what's Aaron at?' She hisses.

'I don't really care to be honest,' he lifts his hand 'they can do their own thing'.
Lily scoffs and stands up 'And what happens when someone dies tomorrow?'.

'They die,' he shrugs 'It's what happens, we're not going to just stand around, crying, we move on, tonnes have died before them and more will'.

  'Alex is meant to be coming'.

Charlie rolls his eyes, he's rolled his eyes so many times during this conversation Lily's surprised they haven't gotten stuck 'Look Lily I don't think Aaron is handling any of this well, but we have to go with what he says, it saves the arguments. We get up there tomorrow, do our thing and if people die there's absolutely nothing we can do. It's not our problem'.

'Jesus,' she says under her breath.
'What like Lily? What do you want me to say?' He says, genuinely confused.
'You're just so fucking selfish,' she storms away and slams the door shut.

'Daisy,' Alex makes his way towards the counter.
'Hey,' she smiles widely 'how are you?'.
'I'm going up tomorrow,' he says.
Daisy frowns 'Wait, what do you mean?'.

    'I'm going with the group tomorrow Aaron wants me to look at some useful parts to somehow fix up a vehicle'.
'No,' she says firmly 'you're not going'.
   'You tell him that'.
    'I will'.
He sighs 'Look I'll be fine I used to go up there every day with Lily and the others, until-'.

'Until you started getting those headaches,' she interrupts 'there's something up there that doesn't agree with you, or you're stressing yourself out because of the work! Stop adding on chores, you're busy enough as is'.
'I'll be fine,' he says 'I always made it back'.

'I'll go up,' she says 'That's it I'll go up with you'.
'No!' He says 'you're not risking yourself for me'.
'Yes,' she brushes past him 'I'll go to Aaron'.

Alex grabs her arm and pulls her back 'Daisy I will come back, and I want you to be waiting here for me, I don't want to come back without you'.
    'What makes you think I won't come back?'.

He holds his jaw, as if he's in deep concentration, thinking about what to say to her 'You haven't been up there in a year, it's changed, every day it changes, Daisy I-'.
'I can do this,' she says 'You know exactly why I wasn't sent up'.
He shrugs 'Fair enough'.
'Yeah,' she says 'now get out of my shop'.
He smiles widely and leaves the shop.

'You'll be alright,' Conor rolls his eyes.
'I don't know though like what if that Mist comes and I can't get my mask on,' Seán bites his fingernails.

'It fucking won't,' Conor gets up and takes records from the shelf, he brings different medical records and death notices to the bookkeepers, Aaron likes to keep track of everything that happens, Conor supposes it's easy for him to make decisions and what not, not that he cares anyway.

He smirks at Seán 'Let's hope I won't be bringing your name to Alice'.
'Oh feck off'.
Conor laughs as he leaves the room.

'Hey sweet cheeks,' he walks up alongside Daisy 'what brings you out of your shop?'.
'Just going to talk to Aaron,' she says, he can tell something's up with her.

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