Chapter 21: A little Story Time

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Here is were we get a little bit of an understanding as to why Dirty T is the way she is..........


I couldn't fucking believe what I was reading on this paper. This made absolutely no sense. I felt so betrayed at this point. How the fuck is this shit possible, why?.

"I'll be back Key's ,tell Sin I went to see Psycho."

"No problem Ms. Nat, and I'm sorry about errmm that." He said pointing to the papers in my hand.

I couldn't even give him a response ,I just walked away. Getting to psycho's room down the hall, I was banging on that goddamn door harder than seat.

"Who ever the fucks banging ,must want to meet death."

When he opened the door ,and seen me standing there ,flushed face and all he opened the door.

"Wanna tell me why the Hell you are up, at 3:45 a.m.?"

"Yeah wanna tell me what the fuck this is." I said tossing the papers at him.

He opened them up and looked at them. Before he sneered at the papers ,but kept reading. He dropped the last paper with the same amount of shock .

"The fuck is this Nat?"

"I don't know that's what the fuck I'm tryna figure out."

"Where the Hell did you get this shit from, anyways that's some fucked up shit. And that's saying a lot coming from me baby girl."

"I know dad so if you had no clue, then who should I ask."

"Well baby girl it's only three people whom, I'm guessing can tell you. One ya Momma , two  your Momma's mother and that walking cum garage Tessa."

"And since ya Momma ain't alive , well I mean your grandmother might can give you answers. I say she might still be awake in a town over."

"Well shit dad that woman can't stand my ass, she calls me and Naz the devil's Nut."

My father broke  out in laughter, but stopped when I glared at him. Then I herd a door open in the back, before some chick with a sheet wrapped, around her came into view."

"Well,well whom might you be Soul sucker.?" I said while rising to my feet, to get a good look at her.

"Look I don't want no trouble , I was told to fuck psycho, and give him some coke mixed with rat poison. But I couldn't do it."

"Motherfucker who the fuck sent you here Bitch."

My dad was on his feet and had the girl gripped,in a vice lock. She started to sob and shake.

"Please if I don't do it , she is going to have him kill my baby."

"Who is going to do that, you better fuckin speak up." Dad yelled in the girls face which caused more snotty tears to fall.

"Tessa, she said to come here tonight and set him up, because he is a threat to her plan."

"Please if I don't take a photo or show that I did it, my daughter is dead please help us."

"Who is your father." I asked.

" Carlos Alessio"

"You have got to be fuckin kidding me, you're Los kid, wow I'm glad I didn't fuck you."

"Well you didn't snort the coke, did you dad." I asked him.

"Hell NO I've  been clean for years, flushed that shit down the toilet. Now if it was some weed I would have been a goner."

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