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(Y/N) didn't know what she did to deserve this torment from her 'sisters'.... She was always the one blamed for Raven leaving and Summer dying.... Her sisters made sure that she kept silent too from telling daddy, and she believed them too scared to speak on what was really going on, how she got all the bruises on her body. It was a miracle she was even alive at this point!

But today they took it too far...

They took her up to Summer's grave, claiming that it was the year where they pay their respects to her, but (Y/N) knew that was a lie. Visiting her was June 12th, and it was October. Little (Y/N) barely glanced at Summer's grave before she suddenly felt herself being pushed on her back sending off off the cliff. Time slowed as she turned around just to see Ruby standing there, hands outstretched with a gleeful smile on that face.... that.... little face of hers, as (Y/N) fell to her death. Feeling the sharp rocks jabbing her frail body, hearing bones popping and breaking but it all happened so fast before she found herself in some type of cave, staring at the broken moon.

Her whole body hurt, but the only comfort she had was the moon shining down at her as tears welled up in her eyes.... She never got to tell daddy that she loved him, she never got to tell uncle Qrow that he was the bestest uncle ever.... What she would give to see papa's face light up whenever she smiled at him, what she would give to see uncle Qrow smile when she called him "old man"....

She'll never have those since she was going to die down here, body broken and forgotten....

She closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate, all hope to live fading away in rapid growth...

"Look here, William.... A girl all broken and dying." (Y/N) heard a male's voice in the cave as her red eyes shot open and began darting around the cave, too scared to ask who was there or move. "Do not be afraid.... I am Marcus. Let us help you, isn't that right William?" The man's voice rang out again. Stepping out of the shadows from the cave, (Y/N) had to really strain her eyes to see the man.

He seemed to have some type of auburn hair pulled back into a low-ponytail and the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. But the creature next to him wasn't like any type of Grimm she'd ever seen before. It's- HIS fur was pure white as snow, eyes also white she could see no pupils. All in all, he was beautiful....

The strange wolf creature dubbed "William" only released some type of rumbling pure and nodding his head.

"Don't you want them to pay for doing this to you? Do you want them to suffer?" The man gently held the dying girl's small hand in his which offered her some comfort.

She managed to croak out "Yes..." before feeling something sharp bite her neck from both the man and creature. It took her a second to realize that they had both bitten her. Closing her eyes and releasing a gasp, she felt herself get colder and colder, so cold she felt like she was underwater a frozen lake during winter.

"Our gift to you...." Marcus spoke against her neck as she shut her eyes...

Finally, she opened her eyes showing them a different colour....

(See y'all next chapter)

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(See y'all next chapter)

The Bleeding Frozen Rose (RWBY X Female Hybrid Reader)Where stories live. Discover now