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(play the song. If it ends, just repeat 😚)

The girl in the woods stared up at Beacon tower in awe and amazement at the size of it. She'd seen pictures, but didn't think it was gorgeous in person! It was massive- huge even! She kept her hood up as she walked inside with her heeled boots clipping lightly against the pavement with no one noticing her thanks to using one of her powers. Her red eyes remained focused solely upon the the elevator across the long hallway. At this point the hallway was now empty, no doubt the students had already gone to their classes but it mattered little to her. She had a different objective in mind. She got in the elevator and pressed the up button which would lead to the Headmaster's office. How long had it been since she last saw him.... quite sometime that's for sure. She sighed and crossed her arms, leaning back against the wall of the elevator closing her red eyes as she nodded her head to the beat of the music that was currently playing on the speakers in the elevator.

The elevator 'dinged' signalling her arrival was the doors opened and she saw the one she was looking for sitting in his chair as usual, looking out to the scenery through the clear glass window of his office, sipping his hot coco a faraway look in his honey brown eyes.

"If you wanted to get my attention, you should've just said so instead of sending a useless team that got owned by a 13 year old, Wizard." (Y/N) walked out of the elevator before sitting on the desk crossing one leg over the other.

"I could have, but you don't really respond nowadays do you?" Ozpin smiles, turning his chair around to face the girl as she smiled back at him.

"But where's the fun in humiliation of the "greatest team in Beacon Academy"?" (Y/N) smirked, crossing her leg over the other chuckling fondly at the memory of the supposed best team in this Academy is to be beaten by a younger girl.

"Does your family know?" Ozpin suddenly spoke up, sipping from his mug once more.

(Y/N) looked out the window, a faraway look in her already bright red eyes. She hadn't seen them for..... how many years now? She always visited her mother's grave but never her father.... the shock of seeing her like this would crush him no doubt.

"If you want..." Ozpin pulled her out of her thoughts, holding his scroll in his hand, Long Memory in the other. "I can call them here?"


Ozpin nodded and dialled a number as (Y/N) resumes looking out the window. Sometime went by before  the elevator 'dinged' signalling someone had arrived and they opened as (Y/N) casted her eyes to the person. If she was able to, she would've cried tears of joy. But upon being a hybrid of beast and vampire, she was unable to show much emotion but twisted glee and rarely sleep. So many things were stripped of her that night but... she could always try to feel it. He looked the same as she last saw him as a child except he had some grey streaks in his hair, his bangs flopped on his forehead perfectly, and his red eyes still had their shine and emotion... he looked tired but he hid it very well and he had a bit of stubble on his face as well but not too potent. His red cloak had some tears at the ends and Harbinger was strapped to his back. Other then that.... she was happy to see his face again....

"(Y/N)....?" Qrow croaked, his red eyes welling up with tears as he lifted his left arm up as if to feel if she was real or his mind was playing tricks, worried he was dreaming and he would wake up. He stumbled forward on his knees as (Y/N) zoomed forward in a blur, grabbing his wrists and using his hands to cup her face. He traced his thumbs against her cheeks noticing just how cold it felt despite the hot spring day and her red eyes were a much more vibrant red then they ever were last time he saw her. Alive that was... "you're alive...? Is my mind playing tricks on me or am I dreaming?" Qrow didn't want this supposed dream to end.

"Perhaps we shall see what lies at the Dream's End."

Qrow kept his hands on her face, tears beginning to flow down his face before pressing his forehead against hers, inhaling before sighing in content, happy to see his niece that wasn't dead. She was here, in the land of the living then rotting in the dirt.

She noticed Taiyang standing there in the elevator, his hand on the door to keep it from closing as he stared at her in shock and was that a hint of relief? But it mattered little to (Y/N)....

For she was reunited with her most 2 favourite people in the world....

(There's your update, my good people 😌)

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