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a/n: i'm not sure if any of you still keep up with my poems since i have been so inactive lately.  this is something i wrote on the fly in english today, and i really liked it a lot.  it isn't a poem, but i do see it as being very poeticly eloquent. 

The feeling of shock reverberates all throughout my body: it raps against my ribcage, then plummets into my stomach.  After resting for a while, the feeling is again shot straight up my body, right up to my heart where it gently nuzzles itself into a cavity.  My breath is no longer gentle and seamless.  Between inhale and exhale is a tiny double intake that causes me to choke a little.  Every time my heart beats, shock makes sure to whisper tiny mnemonic notes, making sure I don't forget that it's there.  I don't even realize I'm crying until my nose starts running and I instinctively bring my sleeve up to wipe it.  It's strange that something as small as a single emotion can completely change how your day is going, will go, and how you will remember it. 

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