Do you remember the librarian Barrett who has all the pictures of Will? We'll they are getting married! Everyone is coming,Emily,Bellah ,Max,Katherine, Eli, Harris, JoJo,Ashton(new person on team),Eric,Justin,Lauren(new girl in group),a person in the shadows, Marcie (an other new girl). The preacher was JoJo. He asked"Will do you take Barrett as your beloved wife?" Will said"I do." JoJo asked "do you Barrett take will as your beloved husband?" Barrett said"I do" "You may kiss the bride" JoJo said. "What there is no marriage in the group." Bellah said. Then the guy in the shadow was The Destroyer or Johnny! He said " I can know destroy more people!" "I know where they live. They live in my old base. I will destroy them all! Hahahaha."