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Angel screams as Fat Nuggets squeals. Alastor smiles as usual -maybe a little more amused and sinister than usual- as Vaggie sits back and watches her girlfriend try to calm the white and pink clad spider demon.

"Oh my god! Somebody save him!" Angel screams in terror.

Now you might be wondering what exactly is going on here. Well it started out as a normal day. I got up and had breakfast with the others as usual. It all started when Angel left the table, went through the lobby, and screamed bloody murder, accompanied by the sounds of frightened pig squeals.

When we heard it Charlie and I got up as fast as we could and rushed to the scene. What we saw was not exactly what we expected. I thought maybe Fat Nuggets got spooked or something but nope. What we witnessed will forever change our lives.

Fat Nuggets was just chilling on the new chandelier in the lobby. Well... 'chilling' isn't the best word to describe it. It was more like freaking out. Kinda like a cat stuck in a tree.

I sat there watching Angel freak out for a minute as everyone shuffled into the lobby to see the commotion. I heard Husk slightly laughing at the scene of Angel's terror behind me. I slightly elbowed him in the side before stretching my wings- wait never mind. I cut those off. I sighed and watched Angel freak out a bit more as Charlie was trying to calm him down.

"My baby!" Angel cried.

I looked around for something to climb maybe when my eyes landed on Husk, who previously moved to a pillar, and my eyes trailed to his magnificent cherry red wings. The cat demon in question rose an eyebrow at my pensive look.

"What?" He grumbled.

"Can you use those?" I ask, gesturing to his wings.

"..I dunno. Never tried." He responded as he stretched his wing out and peered at it under his lifted arm.

"You've never-" I cut myself off with a sigh. "Okay... okay." I look around for another option knowing how hard it is to learn to fly when you've never done it. Especially when you're older. It's kind of like learning a new language when you're forty.

I notice the pillars are supporting an 'indoor balcony' of sorts. (I don't know what they're called) The railing is in line with the chandelier.

'If I could maybe get up there and jump to the chandelier, grab Fat, then get down safely then we should be good.' I think to myself.

I run to the elevator before anyone can ask any questions and go up one floor. The doors open and I dash to the left then run around to the chandelier.

'It's a long jump, but I can make it.' I think to myself as I step onto the railing and use a pillar as support.

"Hey!" The sudden voice startles me and I lose balance for a moment before quickly regaining my footing. "What are you tryna to do? Get yourself killed?" Screams Husk from below.

"I'll be fine. If I fall, catch me." I respond to him. "If this breaks, I'm sorry Charlie I'll buy you another!" I yell then jump after her response.

"It's okay! Just be careful!" She yells back.

I quickly grab the chandelier and feel it swing from the sudden force. I climb up and hold onto the chain that connects it to the ceiling. I quickly sweep up the small white and pink pig and hold onto him protectively as I wait for the chandelier to stop swinging.

I look up as I hear a small distant crack resonate and feel the chain vibrate along with a subtle jerk down.

"Uh oh." I say.

"Uh oh? What do you mean by 'Uh oh'?!" I hear Husk shout from below as another louder crack is heard along with the chandelier being jerked down a bit more forcefully. I hold onto the chain tighter.

"Sorry Charlie!" I yell before the chandelier falls as the chain snaps from the ceiling.

All I feel is air and hear a multitude of screams as I hug Fat Nuggets closer before I feel myself being grabbed and put safely onto the ground. I hear the chandelier crash to the ground as the thing that caught me holds me tighter.

"Holy fuck." I hear a familiar voice grumble from above me.

"I thought you said you couldn't use those wings." I say as I look up to see Husk crouched down behind me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders protectively.

He unwraps his arms with a slight blush. "Tch. That was my first time using them and the only time. Dumbass." He justifies as he flicks my forehead.

I laugh and say my thanks before getting up and scanning Fat for any injuries. When I see none I walk over to a dramatically sobbing Angel Dust and give him his baby.

"My baby!" He screeches as he grabs the pig from me and walks away both scolding the pig and showering it in kisses.

"Oh thank you so much Y/n for almost dying to save my pig. Oh you're welcome Angel Dust anytime." I grumble before I hear a snicker behind me. "What're you laughing at?" I ask after I turn around to see Husk leaning against a pillar.

"Nothin'." He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes playfully with a smile.

"But seriously don't do that again. That was stupid." Husk says after his smug expression is left behind.

"Well, I got down safely right?" I say, smile turning smug.

"Doesn't matter. You could have really gotten hurt if I-" he cuts himself off.

I laugh. "Yea. You're my hero." I say as I boop his nose. (YOU BOOPED THE SNOOT!)

He reflexively flinches back before rolling his eyes and walking away. I could have swore I saw a smile on his face as he turned accompanied by a small blush, but it was probably just my imagination.

I turn around and help Charlie and Vaggie along with Niffty clean up the broken pieces of the chandelier, promising I'll order another.


Stay Tuned~

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