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Before you read this book, I just wanted to say:

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Before you read this book, I just wanted to say:

This story is inspired by a song entitled: "If I could ride a bike". It was created and sang by Chevy, released in YouTube. I do NOT - in any way - suggest that I own the song, own Chevy, and obviously, own YouTube (like what even). Chevy and YouTube rightfully owns it. The song was merely a base and an inspiration for this book. I do not want to get sued for copyright issues, lol.

Any names and/or plot that resembled other books are purely coincidental. Thank you for understanding.

I suggest checking out the song.

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e·pis·to·lar·y =/əˈpistəˌlerē/

•(of a literary work) in the form of letters.

This book a short epistolary, meaning it'll only contain the Main Character's letters.

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"If I Could Ride A Bike"

"If only I could ride a bike, everything would be different."

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All rights reserved.

This book and/or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any matter whatsoever without the express or permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations.

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Written by: taehyungie_lover

First Book Cover by: -jeonblues

First Book Cover by: -jeonblues

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Book covers by: Amochichi:

Book covers by: Amochichi:

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Banners by: taehyungie_lover

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Banners by: taehyungie_lover

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Started: June 18, 2020

Date ended: -

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Coming soon.

Coming soon

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If I Could Ride A BikeWhere stories live. Discover now