Chapter 1

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Bandaged, bloodied fingers that were blue with cold began to twitch slightly, as the male lying on his side on the leafy forest ground began to wake up.
He found it a bit odd that he was no longer feeling his cold but dry and soft mattress beneath him, or -if he was indeed outside- why the snow and icy cold winds weren't chilling him to the bone.
The teen groaned and opened his dark eyes, sitting up and gently rubbing his face to try and wake him up, his knife stashed in the pocket of his spruce green combats.

Taking a moment to look around, he noticed he wasn't back at the desolate resort in Ormond, but in...some kind of forest?
Did he end up getting drunk or high the night before and wake up in the forest with no memory of how he got there? Probably.

With a soft grunt, he got up, dusting himself down, and picking up his mask that had an unsettling grin drawn onto it. Slipping it on, he walked through the forest, ending up outside a huge mansion, even bigger than the shelter back at the resort.
He stood, briefly transfixed, before a loud clap of thunder erupted overhead snapping him out of his thoughts.
Frank growled a curse word under his breath, running to shelter in the bushes nearby as a drizzle began to spatter down on the ground, taking his knife out and holding it close to his chest, staying quiet as he heard movement nearby.

Another victim? yes please....

With a sinister smirk from under the mask, Frank listened to the casual footsteps rustling past where he lay in the leafy bush, crouching amoung the foliage to stay hidden, before stalking from the shadows.
The teenage slasher took a second to pat his jeans pocket to make sure that his knife was still there, subtly taking it out while he looked through the leaves.

From what he could see from his foliage fortress, he saw a towering man in the distance walking towards where Frank was hiding.
The man was dressed in a very classy black suit and tie. He had long legs and arms, his hands had slender, branch-like fingers that seemed to reach out eerily.
To the untrained eye, the man could easily blend in with the trees.
But to those up close, they'd be able to see the blank face with a stark white complexion, hear the overwhelming static, before they would feel the man's hand or tendrils on their skin, restraining and keeping them in before they disappeared...forever.

"Where are you, then?"
The voice echoed in his head like a migrane, not to mention the static buzzing like bees in his ears added to his already disoriented mind.
Who the hell was that?!

The man moved through the forest, Frank rolling away from the shrub as the man approached, silently climbing one of the leafy old oak trees.
He sat on one of the high boughs, catching his breath and carefully swiping at his mask to gently wipe off the raindrops that began to gather on the front of the plastic-and-paper mask.
Good thing he remembered to waterproof the damn thing, or he would be screwed, especially in this rain.
Though the weather was not as harsh as the blizzards back home, it was still somewhat an inconvenience, and he was thankful he donned his black leather coat over his sweatshirt.

Over at the mansion, Frank could see a few lights flip on in the windows, the young slasher backing up against the trunk to try and conceal himself from view even more, the static and migraines still ringing in his ears.
His smirk under his mask had turned into a grimace of pain, one hand clapping over one of his ears to try and keep the noise out, the other resting on the bark of the tree to keep himself balanced as it swayed in the wind.

"I know you're out here...." the man's voice ran through the teen's head again.

Frank winced softly at the static-filled voice of supernatural authority.
He had to do something.

Recklessly, Frank scrambled up the branche's length, considering making a move to either climb onto one of the balconies, or go further up the tree to try and find another vantage point.
As he contemplated his choices during the harder rainfall, the tree was swaying with the harsh winds, the branches creaking as the teenager held on.

He then heard a faint "snap"....that progressed into an almost deafening break and tearing sound as the bough he was sitting on snapped in half, the branch being wrenched off the tree by the damp wood and the howling wind.

"What the fu- AAAAAAAAGGGH!" Frank screamed out, as he plummetted about 10 or so feet down to his inevitable demise, his eyes closed as he braced for impact, wondering when and how he would hit the ground, and who would hear the deafening crunch when his body connected with the leaf-covered mud below...

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