Chapter 4

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Little footsteps by the stairs caught Frank's attention, the slasher looking in the direction of the stairwell to be met by the strangest looking little girls he had ever seen.

They were adorable, nobody could deny it.
But when one had blood dripping down her face and onto her dirty, torn night-gown, and the other had red eyes, blood on her lips and parts of her skin were charcoal grey, it wasn't unusual to sport a look of concern and confusion.
Before he could say anything, the questions from the two strange sisters were being fired at him like bullets.

"Who are you?"
"Are you staying with us?"
"Are you our new big brother?!"
"Did Slendy find you?!"

Frank couldn't get a word in edgewise, his frantic, caffeinated gaze flickering between the two young girls to keep track of the both of them, their voices chirping in rapid succession.
He looked at the two girls with a sheepish smile beneath his mask, before Slenderman's voice could be heard in his mind, as well as the girls, who looked towards one of the doorways.

"Sally, Lazari. Easy on the questions; he may want to explain it on his own in due time" he said, semi-sternly.
"But Slendy!" the two whined in unison.
"Girls...." Slenderman started in a stern, teacher-like tone, both Sally and Lazari going quiet but pouting.
Frank glanced over at where the tall elderitch leader stood, seeing him teleport away with a soft roll of static.

"Girls, leave off him, will you? he's only just got here" said a voice.
A female voice.

A little alarmed, Frank put his hands in his pockets, making sure his knife was still there, and looked at the stairwell, where the voice had come from.
There he saw one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.
Sure, Julie and Susie were both beautiful, but he'd never seen a girl like the one approaching him now.

She had short yet quaft black hair that was slightly wavy and reached down to her defined yet delicate jawline.
Her green eyes shone in the foyer's light like peridot gems, and she was sporting a simple outfit of dark blue skinny jeans that did wonders for her long and slender legs with just the right amount of thigh and hip, a grey tank top and a black and red unbuttoned flannel overshirt.
Her lips were plump and smooth, and she had a touch of mascara to slightly define her beatiful dark lashes.
Frank felt like he was frozen, unable to speak or even move, only able to regain control once she had gotten close enough where the both of them were in stabbing distance.

Smirking, she lifted his mask to reveal his face; he had a couple scars across his nose, lower lip and his left eye from fights with both the entity and survivors, his dark brown hair hidden by his hood.
He had an otherwise smooth face if the scars were disregarded, his eyes a deep brown that seemed to pull in whoever was trapped in his dark gaze, despite the dark circles from the lack of sleep he had endured time and time again.
A tattoo of a flaming skull was on his neck, and his brows were bold and nicely shaped.

He looked at her silently, the two trapped in a mute stare-down, the others not knowing if it was out of dumbstruck love or insidious mind games.
The ravenette seemed to smirk after a little while, satisfied in what she had taken in.

"You're gonna be interesting, I can see that" she said cryptically, hand clenching around the modified hockey stick as Frank withdrew his own blade.
"But know this..." she added, the blade of the hockey stick on the back of his neck.
"If you try anything to those I care about, I'm going to have your head mounted on my that clear?"
"Oh, you don't have to worry about me..." Frank purred, with a smirk mirorring the woman's expression.
"Not yet, anyways....I'll defend myself if I have to, but since I'm not going anywhere for a while, I'll try and-" he paused and gave a soft, sinister and slightly unhinged little giggle, "-control myself."

"Good" the woman growled, her eyes showing loathing mixed with interest, before slowly withdrawing her scythe-like hockey stick, Frank standing straight once again as she nonchalantly walked away, hips gently tilting in the most perfect way possible.
'Seduction killing' he reckoned.
The total opposite to him and his gang of thugs who used bullying, violence and downright insanity-fueled frenzies to get their taste of bloodlust.
And that's not even counting the thievery and murder before the Entity got its claws on the four of them.

He heard Slender talking to the mysterious woman, hearing the name "Aj" come up in conversation a few times.
Now that he thought about it, his and 'AJ's' accents were alarmingly similar.
Another Canuk, huh?

This was just starting to get more and more interesting, and Frank liked that.
Predictability was boring, the reason the Legion was formed in the first place.
Their kills had kept the residents of Ormond guessing, and it worked even better for the unfortunate survivors who found themselves in their freezing realm.

Maybe, Frank thought, as he gently ran his thumb over the dirty blade of his knife, he could get to know Aj a bit better.
Not being friends necessarily, but there was something about her that intrigued him, almost as much as the first time he had met Julie and the rest of the Legion.

Perhaps his temporary stay at the mansion wouldn't be so bad after all...

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