Chapter 3

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Frank didn't flinch.

Not when he felt the icy cold, stainless steel blade against his neck, grazing his skull tattoo ever-so slightly.
Not when he could hear the light panting of the proxy behind the guard he wore on his mouth, his own mask blocking his breathing and his expression.
And certainly not when the blade would involuntarily shake a little as the opponent ticked and twitched uncontrollably beneath his steady stance.

Not even when a voice echoed through both of their minds. Deep, stern, and strict.

"Toby, remove the blade. You too, Frank. That's not the way a newcomer is greeted, child."

Both Toby and Frank straightened up, reluctantly taking their blades from each others throat and looking at the Slenderman, the aura he was giving off was similar to a stern, angry parent. Only much more dangerous, and more likely to slaughter the ones disobeying him rather than banishing them to their rooms.

"N-newcomer?" 'Toby' growled, his neck giving a repulsive bone-cracking noise as his head careened to the side with a violent jerk.
Frank ground his teeth, glaring behind his mask, before raising his head to look at Slenderman once again.
The static buzzed in his ears once more, making Frank hiss out a swear word and press a hand to his ear to make sure that it wasn't bleeding.

"Yes, Toby. This is Frank. From what I can tell, he's not from this dimension. Not entirely. He was from Earth originally, yes, but he currently resides in another dimension" Slenderman replied.
"How'd he get here?" Toby asked, akin to a curious child, though his voice was more of a contempt hiss rather than innocent curiosity.
"Fuck knows, but I can't get back. At least, I don't think so" Frank replied, crossing his arms across his chest and keeping his hunting knife out of sight, blade down so he didn't accidentally stab himself in the lymphnodes.
Slenderman didn't even respond to this comment for a second or three.

"Hmm. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, he stays here. If I hear that you or the other proxies have instigated fights with him, or vice versa, the punishment will be severe. Have I made myself clear, you two?" he asked sternly.
"Yes sir" they responded simultaneously, glancing at each other in joint suspicion.

"Right, now that introductions are out of the way -for the both of you, anyways- we best get you in before the rain picks up again" Slenderman replied.
"Oh shit, yeah! Wouldn't want the knife to rust. It might break" Frank replied.
"Or it'll make the victims sick and kill them a bit too quickly" Toby piped up with a psychotic grin behind his mask, Frank letting out a soft but maniacal laugh.
"Now you're speaking my language!" he declared, before racing to the door and almost barreling over a new person.

One in a white hoodie, and a Chelsea smile carved into his face, rings of black around his eyes like a deformed panda.
At least, that's what Frank thought, and it almost made him smirk behind his eerily grinning mask.

"Who the fuck is this joker, Slendy?" the cut-smile dude rasped; he sounded as if he'd been gargling nails and smoking twelve cigarettes daily for the past month.
"Says you!" Frank crowed sarcastically, arms crossed over his chest again.
"You wanna say that again, fuckwad? Soon yer mask won't be the only thing of yours with a smile" the joker duplicate snarled, Slenderman seeming to give an eyeless glare again.

"Jeff, this is Frank. He's new here" Slenderman told him. "I'll thank you to not threaten him, or kill him. With any luck, he should be staying here for quite a while. At least, just until his guardian finds him."
"Good luck with that, Slender, with all due respect. He's more than likely dead. If you mean the Entity, though....I dunno. It does some pretty weird shit, so I'm not sure" Frank notified the tall faceless man.
"Ah, right. In any case, Jeff, go into the lounge. I'll get the others down here" he replied, before teleporting off.

Jeff gave Frank one last sneer, before walking away, Toby returning with two other masked faces, Frank looking over at them with confusion.

Guess all he had to do was play the waiting game, he supposed.

*A/N: Yes, yes, I know this is a short chapter, I'm sorry. Writer's block is a bit of a pain.
Be sure to stay tuned for what's coming next, though.

I must warn you, amidst the kind-of(?) Fluffy interactions, themes will get quite dark, mentioning abuse, murder, criminal acts etc. Then again, this is a creepypasta fanfiction.

Stay tuned, my ghoulish groupies :)*

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