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Hello, I need to explain some things before we get started.

I always wanted to write my own Harry Potter/Hetalia crossover, however, I always held back because I didn't think I would write something compelling for this type of story. However, I said screw it now and I decided to make my own anyways.

Plus, most of the Pottertalia stories seem inactive or they don't include Egypt or Belarus and I have a problem with that.

Belarus can see ghosts, loves the occult, and is a good fortune teller. Though there are a couple of Pottertalia fics that do add her in, but there is only a few. However, I don't see anyone add Egypt in even though he can do magic. So yeah, I am taking matters into my own hands.

Since we are talking about characters then here is a full list of characters that are going to Hogwarts and the story is going to focus on.

The Character List:

☆ Romania

★ Norway

☆ England

★ Egypt

☆ Belarus

★ Iceland

☆ Canada

★ Hong Kong

☆ America (Nyo because there needs to be more girls in this group, but no one knows that he is actually a she.)

★ Prussia

Guys, if you don't see your favorite character on here, like: Russia, Luxembourg, Czechia, Vietnam, Belgium, Taiwan, Slovakia, China, Bulgaria, Moldova, Micronations, Germany, Italy, S. Italy, Spain, France, Japan, and etc, don't worry. They have their own missions and will probably be getting a separate book of their own after I finish this one. Especially, for the underrated characters because I am a sucker for them. ^^

Anyways, now let's get into how this story is going to go...

This story is going to be relaying on a random generator so certain things will be randomized. The things that will be randomized will be Houses, Wands, Pets, Patronus, Certain Events, Pairings, and Other Things.

Speaking of pairings, here is the list of pairings that the generator decided if you don't like the pairings don't blame me...blame the generator.

Quick Note- Just because you don't see your favorite pairings in the list doesn't mean I won't write some platonic relationships. So people who are fans of popular/rare/crack pairings like UsUk, PruCan, HongIce, and etc, you guys will have little moments here and there. (I am a multi/rare/crack shiper so if you guys want to request a platonic moment between two characters of the main cast, you can. However, I want to make clear that the main pairings are going to stay the same so they won't be changing. ^^)

The Random Main Pairings:

🕯 (Nyo) America x Iceland (Aw, one of my favorites.)

🔮 Belarus x Hong Kong (Um, random generator...this is an interesting pairing, but how am I going to write it?)

🕯 Norway x Romania (Oh, the generator loves me because this is another favorite of mine.)

🔮 Canada x Egypt (Another interesting pairing that I don't know how to write, but I am going to give it my best shot. Btw, since Canada was second to last, his other choices were England or Prussia so you guys could have had Maple Tea or PruCan. However, the generator wanted this pairing instead. XD)

🕯 Prussia x England (Heard of this pairing, but never wrote it before so this should be fun. ^^)

So these our pairings for the story. I am sorry to anyone who wanted a popular pairing to win. ^^'

Also, I won't be showing the generator results for the other things until it is revealed in that chapter.

Important Note: So to make my story even more unique, this story will take place several years after Voldemort's death and after Harry Potter's children have grown up and graduated Hogwarts. So a lot of the students and professors will be replaced with oc characters that will be either grandchildren of the Harry Potter characters or not. There will be an oc villian(s), but the Headmaster will be Neville Longbottom or Hagrid, but I will let the random generator decide on that. To be honest, they are probably one of many favorite characters of mine out of the Harry Potter series. Also, just because many of the main characters are not involved in this story doesn't mean that they won't be mentioned or show up once in a while.


Okay, for extra clarification, even though it probably feels like I am repeating myself, this story is part of a challenge for myself that I created.

Basically, I take a popular theme and I used random generators to make choices for me on certain things. Like the main genre for this story, Romance, was chosen by the random generator. Even the title of this story, even though I hate it so much, was chosen by a random generator that was online.

I call this challenge the Random Generator Challenge and this story is part one of my challenge so look forward for more in the future.

Since I have rambled on for too long, I am going to stop it here...

Anyways, I will get the first chapter up as soon as I can, but with me being sick it might be a day or two before I get the chapter up. I just wanted to post this so you guys have an idea what I am going for.

Though, I wish I can give you guys a summary of the story, but I am terrible with those and since this story relays on a's kind of difficult to write one, sorry. ^^'

Important Note: There might be some parts of the story where I have you guys vote on somethings instead of using a generator so look out for that as well. ^^

Thanks for reading,

(I hate the cover edit I did. I might change that later on.)

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