Broken Pt 2

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You asked for a part 2... here ya go 


The entire process was ridiculously long, intrusive and terrifying.

He was so glad he’d put aside his pride and let Scott go back with him. Kirstie had shown up and while he hadn’t wanted her to really see him like that, she refused to leave his side. He felt such an immense amount of love for his best friends that he couldn’t even begin to describe.

She sat in the room with them and once Mitch had been asked to disrobe while standing over some white sheet, she turned her back to him while Scott just kept his eyes on the ground or closed. He’d seen Mitch naked on multiple occasions, usually when alcohol was involved, but he said he didn’t want to invade his privacy anymore than it already was.

The room was empty save them, one head doctor and a nurse.

There had been so many questions he felt like his head was spinning. His clothing had been packed away in different bags and he’d been combed, plucked, swabbed and everything under the sun. He was grateful the doctor was so gentle and explained everything he was doing before he began and each time he did something he reminded Mitch that if he wanted him to stop just to let him know.

They asked who he had had contact with since the incident. Of course it had only been Scott, so they asked if they could have his sweater as well in case he had transferred any evidence during the multitude of hugs he’d given Mitch that night. He agreed and also let them get a sample of his hair for comparison to any they got from Mitch’s body. After that and after Mitch’s nails had been scraped and clipped, Scott was finally able to hold his hand. He kept his eyes closed, or down on the floor, but when he felt tension in Mitch’s fingers he’d kiss the back of his hand and keep it there against his lips until he felt him relax again.

The rest of the exam was the worst. He’d never felt more vulnerable, but Scott never left his side, never let go of his hand, and he couldn’t have been more grateful for the borrowed strength.

There was quite an extensive amount of damage to his body, and as the doctor explained everything he could hear sniffles coming first from Scott, then from Kirstie. He nearly lost it then, but he gave Scott’s hand a squeeze and held it together. Finally the doctor left him for a few minutes while he got dressed, but he had barely moved a muscle when he realized he couldn’t do it on his own.


Those eyes shot straight up to his and he was on his feet immediately.

He couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness to help. “Can you… I mean I can’t… “

Scott grabbed the extra clothes, happy she had brought more than needed and almost everything was Scott’s. He grabbed another sweater for himself and looked through the sweats until he found the pair he thought would be the most comfortable. They were his and they were brand new and quite expensive. He had been obsessed with them since he got them, but he loved Mitch so much more than he loved those pants. He looked around while Mitch fiddled with the drawstring after he helped him get them on his body,  and then pulled on a sweater that was also Scotts. Of course he absolutely drowned in it. 


He didn’t even realize what was happening until it was almost done, Scott was cutting the legs off of the sweats to fit him. Leave it to him to use the doctor’s things. “What are you doing!? You didn’t have to do that, I could have rolled them.”

Blue eyes looked up at him. “I don’t want to risk you tripping, not that I want you walking very much.” He stood and hugged Mitch tight to his body, careful not to hurt him or pull him around.

He couldn’t help but snuggle into it. He hated all of this that was happening, but the warmth that Scott was lending him, the careful consideration, the sweet words and the love that he poured out of him somehow helped ease a bit of the pain and embarrassment.

“All clear Kirst.” He laughed out.

She was on her feet in a flash and soon he was being practically smothered by the three way hug. His face was covered in tears by the time they pulled away.

“I love you.” Her voice was quiet as she tried not to break down again. She’d done enough of that in the car ride over and in the middle of the boys’ empty apartment.

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