Olis POV:
I wake up from a long nap, I feel amazing because I can't feel my face from all the plastic surgery I have gotten.
I get out of bed and go to look in the mirror. I see myself, Damn I'm lookin good today, what's up jimin? I kissed the mirror.
I get out my jimin bowl out of my jimin cupboard. I put in my jimin rice crispies. I pour in my jimin milk and sit in my jimin high chair at my jimin table.
After I eat my BTS and jimin breakfast, I go upstairs to brush my jimin teeth with my jimin toothpaste and jimin toothbrush.
When I finish I go to have a jimin bath with my jimin shampoo with my jimin shower.
I feel fresh. So I go do my makeup with my jimin makeup palet. I look stunning.
I decided to dye my hair with my jimin hair dye . So I dye it blue.
Wow I look just like jimin!
I go outside of my jimin house with the jimin roof and watered my jimin plants.
I walked to the shop with a jimin mask and a jimin T-shirt. So many korean people started at me☺️
I buy my BTS and jimin book and go home. I got my money and brought my jimin face to a plastic surgery place, when I'm there I ask to look more like jimin. When the surgery is finished I go home and take of my jimin makeup, brush my jimin teeth and put on my jimin pjs and sleep in my jimin bed.Anyonghaseyo sarangie Jimin Oppa!
A day in the life of...
HumorPOV: your reading this story and see every chapter is a new person.