Chapter 16: Clingy

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NWEOJFWE I'M REALLY SORRY GUYS this chapter took wayyy too long for me to get out but the next one shouldn't take as long. i hope that it was worth the wait though <3 please continue to stay safe and love each other. i know that i'm a little late, but happy pride to everyone!!! anyways, i'll let you all get to the chapter now hehe please enjoy!!! <3

"Y/n-chan... Oi, Y/n-chan! Wake up already!" I was jolted awake by a rough jerk on my shoulder mixed with the fierce whisper shouting of my best friend. I groaned softly, thinking that it was much too early for these kinds of hysterics. I swatted her hand away and snuggled deeper into the warm body that was holding me. "Go away..." My words came out in a slurred mumble as I felt myself slipping back into dreamland. "I will step on you if you don't get your ass out from underneath those covers."


"Imma do it, no regrets!" My eyes opened in a panic to see the brunette holding her foot high above me, ready to stomp me awake if it came to that. I whined childishly, grabbing onto Garou's arm with both of my hands. "Garou! Garou, wake up! Save me from the mean and cruel Haruhi-chan!" Haruhi rolled her eyes as she teasingly lowered her foot toward me. I held my hand above my head in playful panic when I felt Garou's body shift. His hand left my body to snatch Haruhi's ankle, stopping it completely. I glanced up to see his hand gripping her tightly, my friend struggling to get him to let go. Garou didn't even budge as he lazily opened one eye and stared at Haruhi.

The air turned icy cold, shivers running through my body. Haruhi stared back, her face paling slightly. She hardly every was intimidated, so to see this expression on her face was a shock. I didn't blame her, though, as the aura that drifted off of Garou was stifling. It radiated with bloodlust. "Don't touch her." His tone didn't match his sleepy position; instead, he sounded absolutely terrifying. I had only seen this Garou a few times before and each time I did, he seemed to be more and more dangerous. Even though I wasn't the object of his anger, that didn't make it any better.

Haruhi hadn't budged. She was frozen in place, looking back at Garou with genuine fear in her rich brown eyes. Her lips barely moved and nothing but the barest hint of a whisper came from them. She immediately realized and cleared her throat. "I-I understand." Her voice was hoarse and quivering slightly, but Garou seemed satisfied. He released her ankle, making her stumble backwards as she tried to regain her balance. "I'll be waiting for you by the door, Y/n-chan," She mumbled softly before dashing off toward the bathroom. I watched her go, feeling a bit guilty for the actions of my boyfriend. A soft sigh escaped my lips as I turned back to Garou, my eyes scanning his features.

His hand had already curled back around my waist, his eyes closed peacefully, as though nothing had happened. "Garou," I whispered, softly stroking his face. It was hard to believe that he was the same person that was filled with so much bloodlust just moments ago. "Hmm?" He didn't even bother to speak or open his eyes again. All I got was a mere hum of acknowledgement as he pulled me a little closer. "You can't threaten my friends like that,"

At that he opened his eyes, sleepily glaring at me with a small pout on his face. "But she was about to step on you."

"No she wasn't. Haruhi-chan was just joking around-"

"I'm the only one who's allowed to step on you."

I paused at his comment, my face slowly gaining a dark red hue while Garou smirked. "I mean, am I wrong?" He pressed and I glanced away, staring at the pillow he was laying on instead. "We'll talk about this later. I have to go get ready for work," I tried to move only for Garou to pull me closer. "No, you can't. I won't let you." A sigh escaped my lips as I pushed against his chest, trying to get out of his grasp. Per usual, I couldn't even move an inch. I was trapped. "Garou, please."

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