bisexual disaster

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Hello! Here's some crack that I wanted to share with you guys. I'm bi and I thought of this while on a bike ride. Basically Peter is living with the avengers and they're all one big family:) Thor and Loki are at Asgard with Bruce (I ship Thor and Bruce so much), and Vision just isn't there. Sorry but I don't really like Vision. There might be some Wanda x Nat  too.    Warnings: lgbt+...? I don't think this should be a warning but I've seen other people include it in warnings.

Peter was bored. Summer had just started and Ned and Mj were both on vacation. Ned had gone to see his family in Colorado, and Mj was... well he didn't really know what Mj was doing. She's kinda mysterious. Tony was at some meeting with Pepper and the rest of the avengers except Nat and Bucky were just kinda sitting around watching How to get Away with Murder. It's a great show, it's just that Peter had already watched that season. Nat was training in the gym, but Peter had already done that that morning, so he was just sitting in the kitchen, groaning. Bucky, who was baking cupcakes, looked at him. "What's wrong, Pete?" "I'm dyyyiinnnngggg. I'm sooo bored." Peter whined. Bucky just laughed, shaking his head. "when I'm done with these cupcakes we can go do something." He promised. Peter looked up, "Ok!" he exclaimed, smiling. "Just 10 more minutes." " Ugh fine."

~woohoo it's a time skip~

10 long minutes had passed, and Peter was busy gathering the rest of the avengers in the kitchen. Once they were all there (except for Tony who was still in a meeting, sorry irondad), Bucky announced that they were going on a walk. Everyone started to groan but Bucky assured them that it wouldn't be that long and it would be fun. Also they could have cupcakes afterwards. After hearing that, they were much more agreeable. They all put on disguises (hats and sunglasses) and left.

Walking around New York was nice. It was really sunny, and they were all having a good time. Bucky and Steve talked about how everything was "so modern" and how it was hard getting used to the future/present while Sam teased them for being old. Natasha and Wanda walked behind them, holding hands as they talked about random things. Peter and Clint were playing with a frisbee that Clint had brought, occasionally hitting random people in the head. They got to a park, where mostly younger people sat, having picnics or just enjoying the sun. Peter and Clint stopped playing frisbee and the group sat down in the grass. They were playfully arguing when Natasha noticed something was off with Peter. He kept looking around them with his eyes a little bit wider than usual, and he had stopped talking. She shifted a little closer to him. "Everything okay, маленький паук?" She asked quietly. "Y-yeah. It's just-" he fell silent as the rest turned to look at him. "What's up, son?" Steve asked, concerned. Peter blushed, "Everyone here is so fricking hot! I can't stand it!" The others laughed, relieved that that was all it was. "Oooh Pete's got his eye out for a significant other." Clint teased. Peter just rolled his eyes, blushing harder.

"Wait." Steve said. "I'm confused. You said everyone is hot? Not just girls?" "Umm...yeah," Peter picked at the hem of his shirt nervously, "I'm bisexual. I like both girls and boys." The others smiled at him, saying things along the line of we accept you, we love you Peter, and that doesn't change our relationship with you. Peter smiled, glad that his family was accepting. He was proud of Steve and Bucky too, they were pretty old and he had expected them to have more old fashioned beliefs. "I'm actually gay." Bucky said. "Yeah, and I'm pansexual." Clint added. "I know this is going to come as a shock to all of you, but I'm a lesbian." Nat said, smirking. "And Wanda and I are dating." "Yep, it's true. I'm bisexual too, Peter." Wanda stated. "Oh my god. We had no clue that you guys were together!" Clint said sarcastically, looking shocked. "Wow, I did not see that one coming." Sam added. Everybody laughed and Natasha playfully smacked Clint. They realized it was getting kind of late, so they started walking back to the Tower.

~ another time skip for y'all cuz i'm lazy ~

Once they were back at the tower, they all ate Bucky's cupcakes together. Wanda and Peter decided to start a club and wreak bisexual havoc on the others, yelling Bisexual Anthem ( It's a pretty good song, you should listen to it) at the top of their lungs while running around the top floors of the Tower waving bi flags. Tony walked in, just as they were performing a little dance that they had come up with, giggling like maniacs. "What did I miss?" He asked, looking at the others, who were sitting there acting like it was completely normal. "Everbody's gay." Sam said, taking a big bite out of his second cupcake. "yeah that pretty much sums it up." Natasha said. As Wanda and Peter skipped out of the room, bi flags trailing behind them, Tony exclaimed "Wait! I'm bi too! Can I join the club?" There was no response so Tony just shrugged saying "eh, whatever."

The end. Sorry that was kind of all over the place lol. Hope your quarantine's been okay!

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