deaf pt.2

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This is just part 2 of the last one, so yeah. The bold is sign language. TW: cussing? 

Peter's Pov

Peter went to the kitchen, dying inside a little with each step he took.  When he got to the table where all the avengers were seated, eating pizza, he waved a little. Then Peter sat down in between Clint and Bucky, Bucky because he was quiet and probably wouldn't talk to him, and Clint because he was having an argument with Sam about something, and probably wouldn't bother Peter that much. At first everything was okay. Extremely stressful, but nothing happened that was too bad. Mr. Stark, being the dad he was, asked Peter how his day was, like usual, and Peter responded with " It was fine. Nothing really interesting happened." The others nodded and went back to talking about something else. Peter tried to keep an eye on everybody's lips to make sure they weren't talking to him, but that made it hard for him to eat anything because what if someone tried to talk to him when he wasn't paying attention? About ten minutes into dinner Peter noticed that Clint kept looking over at him. What the heck. Is he trying to be sneaky? I thought he was a spy? The next time Clint looked over, Peter made eye contact with him, giving him a confused look. Clint's mouth moved a little bit, but he was eating, so Peter had no idea what he was saying. He responded with a mhm, hoping that was okay. He turned to look at the others, and realized none of them were talking except Natasha. But they were all looking at him. "Huh?" He said. I looked like she said something like " I said, aren't you going to eat anything?" he nodded. " Yeah, I was just, um, distracted." He said quietly. Then Mr. Stark's mouth moved, saying something that looked like he was asking Peter if he was okay? Ugh this is so hard. "Yep. I have to...uh... go to the bathroom." He got up and hurried away. Fuck. They could totally tell. Nononono. He reached the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and sinking to the floor, tears filling his eyes. 

Nobody's Pov

"Peter? Are you going to eat anything?" Natasha asked.  He was looking at Clint. "ребенок паук?" No response. By now, the other avengers had stopped talking and were looking at the two of them. "ребенок паук? Aren't you hungry? Peter." Finally he looked over at her. "Huh?" he asked, looking anxious. "I said, are you going to eat anything?" I repeated. " Yeah, I was just, um, distracted." He said softly. Natasha nodded. "You okay, kid? She called your name like three times." Tony said, looking concerned. "Yep. I have to...uh...go to the bathroom." And Peter hurried off. There was silence at the table for a minute. Clint and Natasha made eye contact, both of them pretty sure they knew what was happening. "What is wrong with the Son of Stark?" Thor asked. "I don't know. He didn't seem to great earlier either. I'm going to go check on him." Tony said, not even mentioning the Son of Stark thing like he usually did. "No." Clint piped up. "Excuse me?" Tony looked at him like he was crazy. " I'll check on him." Clint said. Tony opened his mouth to reply, but Nat beat him to it. "Let Clint go." Tony glared at them, letting out an almost inaudible "fine." Clint got up and went to the bathroom where Peter was.

Peter's Pov

Peter sat on the bathroom floor with his head in his hands, trying to stop the couple of tears that were making their way down his face. Suddenly the door opened and Clint stepped into the bathroom and sat on the floor next to Peter, putting his arm around the boy's shoulders. He was saying something, but Peter couldn't tell what it was. "I-I, um, I can't hear you. I'm...deaf." He stated quietly. Peter watched Clint's face, looking for a reaction, and what happened was not what he expected. Clint, with a small smile, asked him "Do you know sign language?" In sign language. Peter nodded, surprised. "Is this what's bothering you?" Clint continued. "Yeah. What if the rest of the avengers think I'm weak, or-or the don't trust me because I lied to them? What if they hate me?" Clint hugged Peter for a second before pulling away. "They aren't going to hate you and they aren't going to thunk you're weak. Hell, that probably makes you stronger. You've been fighting all this time without being able to hear, I mean unless you have hearing aids, but that is still pretty cool. And as for being mad you lied to them, it's for an understandable reason, and it's pretty impressive that you could keep a secret like that from the world's greatest heroes, even Nat. She didn't suspect a thing until today." Peter smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks, Uncle Clint.  Wait. How do you know sign language?" "I'm deaf too, Pete." He stated, grinning. "Really? What? Geez, I had no idea." "Yep. The others know. it didn't really occur to me to tell you, because everyone already knew so I just didn't think about it. We can start a club!" "For avengers that can't hear? Okay, I'm down." They fist bumped. "You ready to tell the others?" Clint asked. Peter nodded, and they got up from the floor to go to the kitchen.

Nobody's Pov

The avengers waited at the table, even though most of them were done eating. They were all worried for their youngest member, even Natasha, even though she knew what was wrong. Tony paced around the kitchen. "Tones, it'll be okay. You can sit down." Steve said. "But what if-" Clint entered the room, with Peter by his side. The boy looked kind of nervous, and kept glancing at Clint. They could tell from his red eyes that he had been crying, and Clint touched his shoulder, trying to reassure him. " So," Clint started," Peter has something to tell you. I'm going to translate though." Translate? wtf? was along the lines of what the avengers were thinking. Then Peter's hands started moving and they realized it was sign language. "He's deaf." Clint started bluntly. "And he's sorry he didn't tell you guys sooner, he didn't know how you would react. Please don't think he's weak and don't hate him." Differing levels of shock crossed the avengers faces. Except Natasha. She just signed " It's okay, little spider. We love you and will never, ever hate you. And you are anything but weak. Don't worry." Peter, blushing, smiled and nodded. The others all said things along the same lines and Clint translated what they said to Peter. There was one person though, who didn't say anything. Tony. He just went up to Peter and wrapped his arms around him, assuring him that it was okay. After a second all the avengers joined the hug until finally Tony said, "This is too sappy. Get off." And they laughed, stopping the hug. "Oh! also, Pete and I are forming a club." Clint said, signing as he was talking, "For deaf superheroes. The first meeting is now!" He looked at Peter, who signed something. "Okay, the first meeting is after Peter fixes his hearing aids." Peter nodded, patting Clint on the shoulder as he made his way to his room. 

Damn that was long. Hope you liked it!

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